Friday, April 23, 2010

Road Trip Prep

I popped the hood and looked for the dip-stick. Pulled it out to get a visual. Does my car need oil?? Hmmmm, hard to tell. What exactly is low and what is just right?? No clue, so I figured putting in a quart wouldn't hurt. But hang on a second, where does the oil go? I see loads of caps and knobs but nothing with a little oil can symbol on top. This is what Husband has trained me to look for, "look for a cap with the picture of a little oil can". But there's nothing. This car was obviously designed for a target market that does not include women. How am I suppose to know where the oil goes now?

I whipped out my camera phone, snap a picture of my exposed engine and send it to Husband with a coy message "there's no oil can symbol. Where does the oil go?" Within minutes, in a discussion over text with attached pictures, the problem was solved. God I love technology sometimes and now I'm set of my road trip. Where am I off to? Florida baby. Yes, I'm second shooting a wedding on Saturday and I'm so excited. I'm all packed, (see below) and ready for my long drive. But I'm going to need a pass on my Photo A Day Challenge tomorrow due to the fact that I'll be flat out at the wedding all day. But I'll be back on track Sunday.

Clothes, equipment, hydration and snacks (healthy & otherwise), everything a girl needs for a long drive and a day of shooting.


I know y'all are probably tired seeing photos of my puppy and kitty, sorry but this weekend Dexter is going to stay with a pet sitter for the first time ever and I'm so nervous and anxious. I'm afraid he's going to feel abandoned and unwanted. I've explained the situation to him over and over again, both to reassure him, and me that everything will be alright. But I not sure he really gets it.
Sorry Dexter, I'll be back as early as I can on Sunday, promise.


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