Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Boys And Their Toys

Its been an exhaustingly busy day and I want nothing more than to shut my computer down and crawl into bed. But I need to get my photo for today posted. After getting this far, wait, how far am I? Seriously, I don't even know what day I'm on anymore, and I'm waaay to tired to do the math. All I know is that I haven't dropped the ball yet, so lets just keep on keepin on (quote from Frank the Tank, Old School movie)

Anyway, todays photo's are a bit repetitive and random. I set back-button focus up on my camera and was practicing to make sure I was proficient in its usage. Husband's toy antique truck was my subject and I know he's super excited and proud to have this representation of himself out there for all of cyber world to enjoy.

"These photo's are all for you honey. And now you can see that I truly do appreciate how awesome your wee truck is, truly. This was not about me and my back-button exercise. It was about you and your crush on all things pick-up : )"





1 comment:

Rupa said...

these are worth printing up for him and putting in a room! beautiful images!