Sunday, April 18, 2010

Out of Focus

Todays photo of the day is out of focus, I know, but I don't mind cos its a photo of myself and my good friend Tessa. Tessa is an awesome photographer and today we got to hangout for a few hours cos she is helping me with a little project. Hopefully I can share more about my project over the coming weeks, but for now here is myself and Tessa, sorta.

We took the shot using self-timer and out of habit left the camera set to manual, hence the struggle with focus, oopsie. Which is a shame, cos now the world can't fully appreciate how fierce my boots are.

Tessa, thank you soooo much for your help today. It really was greatly appreciated. And thanks too for being as funny and open as you are, it made things so much easier.



Artstar said...

Nice! I love a little out of focus shot, and it looks like you ladies had fun.

Tessa said...

Thanks to being yourself with me as well. You can definitely see who the athlete is in this picture! ;)