Sunday, July 12, 2009


Its been a weekend of recharging. Hanging with friends, eating out, catching movies. Really the most productive I've been was folding my pile of clean laundry. Huge for me, since I canNOT stand folding laundry. I hate it more than I can clearly and plainly articulate. As a result, laundry has become one of Husband's chores. For some unknown reason, he likes it. However, Husband has been gone for 10 days and in his absence the laundry pile took on a life of its own. Growing at a rapid rate and threatening to takeover the whole right hand side of the room. So as my good deed for the day and a pleasant surprise for Husband's homecoming, I folded.

I also spent some time going through the photos I shot recently of the cutest little girl, Erin and her parents. I'll post a bunch of photos soon, but until then here's a sneak peek at Little Miss Erin.

This little girl is almost too cute for words. That blond curly hair, those big blue eyes and rosie lips. Adorable

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