Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Bikini's? Now? Are You Serious?

As soon as I walked into Target I saw them. Bikini's, in all colors and styles imaginable. Horror of all horrors. It just can't be bikini season already, it just can't. I'm still in the throws of dealing with the repercussions of a very over indulgent Christmas. Vegetables be damned. Workouts be damned, its Christmas and I WILL eat carbs layered with fat.

But now the party is officially over, the bikini's have seen to that. Yet, instead of me lunging my way towards the aisles filled with fruit & vegetables and lean proteins, the good stuff that would kick-start my detox and re-toning, I feel more inclined to lunge towards the potato chips and refined sugars. I blame the stress. I blame the pressure. I blame the bikini. How dare you guilt me so early into the year. I'm still wearing a hat, scarf and gloves for goodness sake. Its too soon. Sit tight, lay low and wait for your moment.

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