This happens to me every year. And before anyone thinks of getting smart and mentioning “Sunscreen”, I was wearing the stuff. I guess I just needed a higher factor. I’ve traveled so many places on this planet, both very hot and very cold and now that I’ve settled in the former of those climates, I think a part of me refuses to accept that my skin has not yet adapted to the more intense conditions. But apparently I will never be the person that turns the lovely shades of brown in the sun. My skin is now and will always be Irish. No matter where I take it in the world, my skin is not confused, it knows who it is and will not change or adapt for anyone.
Other news, today I was on the track minding my own business. The weather was hot as hell, 88 degrees (Fahrenheit), that’s about 28-30 degrees (Celsius), so I was really looking forward to finishing my warm-up, jumps and throws so I could get my sweats off and my shorts on. However, when I went to pull out my spikes and shorts, all I got was my spikes. Shit. I had forgotten to put my shorts in my bag. This was not good. There was no way I could sprint in my sweats but I was really stuck for options. I thought about just sucking it up and trying to get through the rest of the session with the sweats on, but just couldn’t come around to that idea at all. Then I thought I'd have to jump in the car and drive back to the house for the damn shorts. But I was already into the session and was getting irritated with that idea. What to do? What to do? Hang on a second. What underwear am I wearing today? As luck would have it, my choice of undergarment was a pair of boy shorts, in black. Eureka. That’s what I would do; I would sprint in my underwear.
So I put on the spikes and whipped of the sweats. I have to say I did feel slightly exposed. And even though it may not seem it, based on what us female athletes actually compete in, but I am very self-conscious in anything skimpy. It didn’t bother me too much when I raced, cos seriously, I had more important things to worry about then what I was wearing. And most of the time your already choking from anxiety and nerves, that you don’t need your racing attire to feel like it’s strangling you too. In these situations of intense pressure, less is absolutely more. But in a non-pressure situation like a training session, I was feeling slightly uncomfortable. I kept telling myself, “They look like shorts. They look like shorts. There is definitely a bit more ass cheek peeping out, but definitely, they look like shorts.” I eventually got over myself when I realized how lucky I was that I didn’t decided to wear the alternative today……..a thong. Can you imagine the horror? All those recreational joggers and walkers would have had me arrested for indecent exposure. That or I could have ended up with a lot of 1 dollar bills?!?
I empathise with you regarding the Irish skin! A few years ago I used to turn brown just by looking at the sun when abroad, but as I get older, I'm burning instead of browning! I really don't know what the Irish did to deserve our sensitive skin! It's one of the most painful things when something (or someone!) hits off a sunburn; I can't imagine your agony when the bar was hitting off yours!
Hey Cormac,
I appreciate your empathy about the sunburn. I don't suppose you can empathize with the whole training in your underwear experience ;-)
Ouch!! Not so nice, I bet now you would of preferred the hundreds of freckles instead??
So did you find a new racing outfit? Were you faster in you 'Boy shorts'?? Will this be what we see you racing in the Olympics wearing?? Not one of these all over bodysuits!! Have you found a new speed suit that all the professionals will follow with??
That would make the Olympics even more interesting to watch!! Even though you are right, there is actually very little to what you athletes wear currently!!
Anyways, have to sqy it somewhere!! Come on Munster!! European Rugby Champions!! What a match, what atmosphere, totally awesome!!
(PS. You give up on Facebook??)
LOL, I can't say I've run around a track in my boxers too often, but maybe I'll start and we can set a trend! The 2008 Olympics could very well be remembered for this new craze, and it all started right here on this blog!
Thats funny. Remember the Irish 800m runner who debuted at Cork a few years back and while wearing those ridiculously short Asiscs green shorts, the mouse popped out of the house after about 150m. He tucked him back in but he kept popping out and at this stage at the bell he is about 15 metres down. He kept going, tucking it in whenever it popped out, loosing ground, his todger blowing in the wind and he waiting for the ground to open and swallow him up.
Lol @ Jeremy's story! Hey karen, just checking on you and of course another funny story told by you. I know how you feel about being self-conscious everywhere else except at a track meet. I'm not sure why or how that is. It just is! Good for you that you weren't wearing thongs, I'm not sure how that would have gone down:)
Hey Alan, god I hope they don't go thinking its a great idea to have us run in thongs. I know visually for all the men out there it would heighten the profile of the sport, but emotionally for all us women, not so good.
Hey Jer, I had completely forgotten about that dude. I'm laughing hard now just remembering the whole thing. What and awful experiece for him, but totally hilarious for us.
Hey Jackie, its funny, you would never guess we were the shy types, body wise, when you see us compete or pictures of us competeing. Huh, go figure, eah?
Hi Karen
I think visually the skin tight clothing already does plenty for us guys!! I think thongs would be just to much for us men to handle!!! We'd never be able to concentrate on I was going to say the race, but we wouldn't be able to concentrate on anything if all you fit women started wearing thongs!!
The tone on this blog is really going downhill with talk of tongs and pics of sleazy Gordy in his dungarees (is that what they are called over there) and his pick up truck etc etc. You may need to start introducing some cheap cheesy lounge music to accompany such posts.
Speaking of the Gordster, I found a picture of that lady he met in cheesecake and was due to have a date with, she was a looker although was having a bad hair day in this pic.
Do Gordy's folks read this blog? Hopefully as they will finally get to see their future daughter in law.
Jeremy, Yes my parent do read the blog, and I have no doubt that they will be thrilled with my fine selection of a future bride. In other news that only you, jeremy, can appreciate, the hit tv show, fintan the cat, got picked up for another season and the twinkies from my birhday cake are still around, so when you come back here, I am sure they will be just as tasty. hope the training if going well and the celebratory work parties continue.
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