Sunday, August 23, 2009

Mental Lists

I've been struggling for something to blog about the past few days. Life has been pretty non eventful and just bursting with "To-Do" lists as long as both my arms. And nothing on my list is very interesting, unless your the type of person who holds last second phone calls from one's Husband in Europe telling you to "get to the phone store ASAP, purchase a new Blackberry and ship it to me in Italy, no, make that Switzerland, wait a second, Italy, no Switzerland, my final answer", in high regard.

Outside of that there's just the endless list of chores, house and personal that I never ever appear to have the time to get to. As a result, they just pile up and up and I become so overwhelmed that I am paralyzed into compete inaction. It exhausting not getting anything on your "To-Do" list done, trust me.

But I did spend a bit of time this evening uploading and sifting through photos from the Wedding in Michigan. I'm nowhere near done, but here is a little peek.

The Bridesmaids line up.

Some very smart and shiny shoed Groomsmen

P.S today I got back to some shooting. Yeah me. The damage from last week was not permanent. I spent the afternoon with an adorable little family and I'm excited to blog and share the photos soon.

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