I don't know what to say about my weekend other than, WOW, did I get a kick in my photographic ass. I seriously underestimated how much of a rookie I still am in the world of wedding photography.
I've been forcing myself to shoot fully Manual, which basically means I am in control of every element of my camera. I make all the decisions as far as exposure and settings go and really, right now, I am not making those decisions fast enough. And let me tell you, things are happening very fast on a given wedding day and moments, precious and emotional moments are unfolding all the time and you are responsible for capturing those from the perfect angle, in a clear, in focus, well lit manner and honestly, I felt like I was falling short. At one point I almost broke down, emotionally. My settings were not giving me the images I wanted. My camera was refusing to focus and/or locking me out and I was making lens choices hastily. I was in total panic mode and my mind was in such a spin. For some reason my internal self talk kept looping the flight attendants "In case of Emergency" instructions. "Please take a moment to locate the Emergency Exits and bare in mind, the closets exit may be behind you". And thats all I wanted. An escape route, a way out.
In the end, what kept me there? Well that would be the amazing Wendy Lebel. Wendy was the main photographer and she was nothing short of a blessing. She saw me sinking, she saw me struggle and she immediately stepped in. Honestly, I don't think I would have gone the distance without her. Her support and encouragement was huge. Sadly, it didn't suddenly turn me into a seasoned pro, but it did help to keep me trying and shooting. All I can say is thank god for Wendy.
I haven't had a chance to upload my photos from the weekend yet. Truth be told, I'm a little terrified. But it must be done. Much and all as I want to hide from the results, I can't. This is a learning opportunity. A painful one, but one nonetheless.
And here I am, in photographic action.

Amazing how you can sound "shattered" in the blog. Sounds like you really worked hard. I'm sure there be lots of photos that stand up to the high expectations you always set for yourself. Well done on attempting to do something new. Wish I had the nerve. Keep it up. Looking forward to seeeing some of the photos. Angie. XXX
Thanks Ang,the encouragement is sooo appreciated. I will post some of the photos, even if they are a hot mess. Am all about keeping it real after all and embracing my imperfections.
But am curious, what would be the something new you would like to attempt. Face-mail me if you don't feel like spilling here in the blog.
(Sorry, completely off topic!!)
But go on ya Derval!! 4th and a national record!! Did you see it? She seemed disappointed with that, but wait till she gets them in London!! Gold all the way!!!
Shinks... the second picture... FIERCE you look like you´ve been on Tyra´s training camp ;)
Girrll, you know I like to bring the Fierce when I can.
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