Last June I mentioned how I got the opportunity to travel to Charleston, SC and assist an amazing wedding photographer by the name of Jill Higgins. While my primary job was to make Jill's job of shooting the fabulous Kristen and Stephen on their special day run smoothly and effortlessly, Jill is so cool and completely awesome that she released one of her spare camera's to my nervous, excited, enthusiastic and greedy little mitts so I could do a little shooting of my own, you know, for practice. Later she even burned and mailed me a disc loaded with all my images. Yes, Jill is that cool and awesome.
Now if the wedding took place all the way back in June, why oh why, has it taken me this long to post some of my images. Well the answer is simple, yet complicated. Quite simply I was scared. Yeah I said it, out loud, sorta. I was scared. Scared that once uploaded, I would discover my images were in fact crap, out of focus, badly lit, bad angles and bad composition, just straight up garbage. And since wedding photography is something I am absolutely passionate about and would eventually love to do more of, I wasn't sure I could handle the blow to my fragile, developing, photographer ego. But this past weekend I bit the bullet, took a deep breath and finally took a long hard look at my images. Seriously, even if they were crap, figuring out why, would be a learning opportunity. And yes there were some crap shots, but scattered among the crap were a couple of keepers. And the keepers is what I chose to present here.
I know my photos will not have Annie Leibovitz shaking in her Vogue shooting boots, but surely even she had to start somewhere, right??

A couple of photos as Mr. & Mrs.

Missed your calling sis, your are one hell of a good photographer are awesome. I know they are treasuring the shots that you got.
I love reading your blog - so funny.
Edward: way to cheer your sister on. I knew I could count on you.
P.S. give us tenner would ya?
P.P.S. I hope I haven't missed my calling, surely there's still a chance.
Jill: Thanks again for being amazing and for stopping by to drop me a comment every now and then. I like it. A lot
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