Yes, I know, I've been very, very absent from my blog for the past week. It's not that nothing interesting has been happening, its just the sheer lack of available down time I have going on right now. Besides trying to keep the day job, I've been doing a lot of shooting lately which has been great. I'll never complain about opportunities to shoot, the only problem is, most of what I've been shooting has been living on my growing collection of memory cards for a couple of reasons.
1. Post-process editing intimidates and scares the bejaysus out of me. Purely cos I have no idea what I'm doing. "Learn as I go" has been my motto for too long as far as this issue is concerned.
2. Time. Finding the huge amount of hours it takes for me to go the rounds with my computer in order to get it to do even a fraction of what I need has just not been in big supply.
But this week, we had a breakthrough. Yes, Shinks saw a flicker of something, not too dissimilar from a light, somewhere near the end of the tunnel. I got together with a kickass photographer friend, Matt, who is the Jesus of all things editing and spent some time with him developing a workflow and learning some basic editing tools. It was a HUGE learning experience and the result has been a braver, slightly more confident Shinks emerging in the area of editing. So now instead of avoiding and hiding, I am actually looking forward to exploring the vast amount of shoots I have sitting around on my memory cards, if I can find enough free time.
And the good news for all of you out there in blog land, is that as I go through these photos, you will become the audience to which I will display my works. Feel free to tell me if you love, hate or anything in between. Tough love is the best way to learn after all.
So up first, all the way from Boston, Massachusetts, we have our nephew Paul. This little cutie almost wore Shinks out. He has energy to burn and the only time to really stops, is to sleep and refuel.
We had originally planned a field trip to the park in order to capture some toddler action, but when the rain showed up early that morning, we decided to just spend some time shooting Paul as he went about his daily business at home.

Just a cute photo.
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