Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Highs & Lows

High: The other day I received an e-mail from Jill, the wedding photographer I assisted this past weekend in South Carolina. Jill just wanted to let me know that I had some great shots and as a result some of my images were now going to be part of the couples wedding album.
Can you say "EXCITED"?? Well thats what I was when I read the message. EXCITED.

Low: Today one of my co-workers and friend, got fired. It was awful. Completely out of the blue. Totally unexpected and shocking. I still can't get my head around it. As a result, I really don't know what to say about it, other than I'll miss her and her big bellied laughs (not that she had a big belly, just that when she laughed, she laughed hard and deep), her out there sense of humor and her straight talkin. She was just my type : (


Cormac said...

Congrats on the photography.

What a pain in the ass about the co-worker getting fired, especially a friend who makes work bearable.

Shinks said...

"Makes work bearable", couldn't have said it better.