I couldn't believe it. I don't know why. I guess his music was a large part of my life growing up and while I really enjoyed it, I was never a hardcore fan or anything, yet I found myself feeling very sad. Sad cos his life although extremely successful, was also just a big fat mess, full of weirdness and suffering and now somehow, it all just seems so pointless and shocking.
The shock is heightened as I watch the various news channels spin continuous footage from his long and extensive career. It just gets more unbelievable. I guess I have some clue now how my mother felt when she found out Elvis had died. To this day I still don't think she's over it.
Moving topics, although I don't know how you do that smoothly after talking about death, but I did want to mention my best friend Derval (aka Scratcher) who while I was in Ireland a few weeks ago, selflessly volunteered to throw herself in front of my camera so I could work on perfecting my shooting skills and although we had a blast hanging out on Howth beach in Dublin, from a shooting perspective, it turned out the be very, very frustrating. Not cos Scratcher was a bad model, actually she was amazing, patient and up for whatever. The problem was me. Me and my camera. I couldn't get it to co-operate. If I wanted it to go left, it went right. I was doing everything I could think of to try and correct things, but I struggled all the way. Fortunately I shot a lot, so Scratchers efforts were not in vain, we ended up with quite a few images.
I'll blog more about it soon, I just haven't had much time to go through all the photos yet. But here are a couple to wet your appetite.

Those shots on Howth beach look like something straight out of the Bord Failte brochure. Well done!! Maybe you should give them a call and try to flog the shots. You'd never know. :)
Wow Karen,
You really are getting good at this photography game.
Photos are really nice and a bonus you had some nice weather whilst back home.
Hey Angie: So excited to see you her on the blog. Glad you like the photos and I'm all about the flogging.
How you doin these days??
There you are Caitriona: Its been a minute. Baby keepin you busy? Yes, can you believe the sunshine we had. It wasn't the warmest and the windy was its usual aggressive self, but we'll take it. We ain't too picky when it comes to weather in Ireland.
Wow!! Hmmmmmmm what can I say?? Don't think I need to say anything do you?!! ;)
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