I'm not going to lie, I feel a bit rough round the edges today. But I don't appear to be as bad as my kitty, Fintan. I've just spent the past few minutes following him around moping up nasty turds of puke. Yes, I said turds of puke, cos that's what it looked like. I swear, if I hadn't been standing next to him as the whole fiasco unfolded, I would've assumed it was booboo when I came across it. Poor little guy. Don't know what's up with him. I think maybe he had his own little margarita party last night while I was out and is paying the price today.
The party was excellent. So much fun. But I realized 2 things last night as I got my "Moonwalk" on and yelled, not sang (cos I can't) yelled along to "ABC".
1. I still have not replaced my precious point n' shoot that died so unexpectedly last March. I need to get on that right away cos I'm missing out on capturing a lot of life's embarrassing moments by not having it always in my purse. True I do have my big SLR, but not the direction you really want to go on a night out with friends. So looks like internet and I will be doing a little camera shopping this evening.
2. I have solved the mystery of our decapitated flowers. Let me explain. Husband and I were out in the garden a few days ago and noticed the flowers we had planted at the base of 2 big trees, were all missing their pretty, colorful heads. I assumed they just died. The heat here's been pretty intense. But Husband, much like Forrest Gump, is a smart man and he realized that they had in fact been eaten off. What? "Who eats flower?" His smartness ended there, cos he had no answer. But then again, neither did I. Fintan sprang to mind, but he's never shown any interest before. Squirrels? No, same thing, no previous history of flower felony. So who then??
Well, in the wee hours of this morning as I made my way home from the party, I noticed something very large and weird standing in our front garden. "What the hell??" With a few too many margarita's on board, I assumed I was seeing things. So I blinked a few times allowing my eyes to refocus and my brain a few more seconds to catch up. But it was still there. Fintan?, I thought. No, this thing was way to big to be a cat. We're getting closer and I'm still confused. I turn to my friend and say, "OK, you see that too, right?" And he did, thank god. "What is it?" I ask. "A unicorn", he says. "You think? Nooo, I'm sure those things are fictitious. Whatever it is it's tearing up my flowers." We get a little bit closer and the thing stops what its doing, lifts it's head and looks right at us. A deer. So that's who's been decapitating my pretty flowers. Son of a bi*#h. It bolts before we get too close. Lucky for him, cos I was mad. I'm not the gardening type, so it was a huge deal for me to plant flowers in the first place. Then this dude, without a second thought sees my flowers and thinks "hmmm, flowers, yummy, MINE". Not cool. Not cool at all.
Now my garden looks ghetto and I don't know if I should bother replacing what's been eaten. I mean, he'll just come back and do the same thing again.