For the past few years I have been somewhat spoiled when it comes to doing my weight sessions. I am not a lover of gyms. I find them just a breathing ground for egos. Some of the women love to wear their Jane Fonda circa 1980’s spandex attire, complimented with the long blond hair extensions and flawless make-up and spend more time focusing on how their new boobs look as they move from weight machine to weight machine, rather than the actually exercise itself.
Then there are the men and their shorts, which vary in length from ultra short peek-a-boo butt cheek, to the Lance Armstrong just above the knee bike lycra. Usually, this is accompanied by the loose fitting vest. The one where the neck and arm pits are cut so low that their cleavage, oops, I mean pecs and most of their obliques are on full show. It’s their tease. Their way of thinking the rest of the gym is in complete awe of their bodies and would give anything to see the remaining square inch of solid flesh that remains under said vest.
Besides all that, I hate waiting for my turn to get to the squat rack, bench press or any of the equipment. But wait, before I continue, let me just share an observation. Why, oh why do most of the men just love lifting all upper body weights? Hours they will spend pumping every major and minor muscle group that makes up the upper body, but completely ignore the lower body, resulting in a very swollen and inflated hulk like torso and arms, sitting on top of the legs of Mini Me or something. Visually it just doesn’t look good. It’s all wrong. All out of proportion. Like Johnny Bravo or an upside down triangle.
But anyway, the point I’m trying to make is; Gyms and Shinks = painful and frustrating. So as a result, Husband and I turned part of our basement into to our very own weight room, so I can lift in peace whenever I want and not have to worry about getting bullied off my station or having my dumb-bells stolen from me as I turn my back to get a drink of water between sets.
Having said all that, while I’ve been in Ireland, I’ve had to go back to lifting at a gym with others. Booo. But I felt it was something I could easily endure cos its was only for 3 weeks and I was clever enough to go at low traffic times. However twice last week I had 2 different people get on my nerve. The gym has a small stereo and is not very busy during the day, so when I arrived it was empty. I put my bag away and before I started my warm-up I turned on the stereo and tuned it to the station I like to listen to. I was well into my session when some other lad arrived. He walked into the gym and we both acknowledged each other with a slight nod of the head and a “How’s it goin?” Two seconds later he walks over to the stereo and starts twiddling the dial to move it to a station he wants to listen to. “Hello?? What the f*#k are you doing? I was here first”. Thankfully these words did not come out of my mouth. Instead I just tried to have him read them off my angry face. But I don’t think he got it. He must not have a wife or girlfriend. But this exact same situation happened a second time last week, with a different guy and again, I said nothing, I just did my angry stare.
So yesterday, I arrive to find myself alone in the gym. I choose my radio station and get on with my lifting. In walks a guy wanting to lift some weights too. He says ‘Hi”. I reply with a “Hi”. Then, immediately after to puts his bag down, he walks over to the radio and starts changing the station. Now I’ve had it. This is one time too many.
Me: “Yo, hey, you know I wasn’t listening to that?” (Note the use of sarcasm)
Guy: (Confused) “Oh right, ok so. Were ya listen’in to it?”
Me: “Well yeah”
Guy: “So is it ok to change it?”
Me: “Oh of course, I mean its your gym, I’m just lifting in it” (Again, note the extensive
use of sarcasm)
Guy: (Confused) “Emmmm, right so”
Guy walked away not sure if I was pissed off or not, but I can tell you I was very pissed off. So what do you think happened next? Well, I walked over to the stereo and I reclaimed my station. Hah, in your face guy. You may not be the one that started these radio wars, but you are the one that pushed me over the edge. God it felt good. And I was so empowered afterwards, that I lifted like an animal.
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