But it’s been well over a week since I updated the blog and that is unacceptable. So I wanted to just do that quickly before things got out of control.
Well, I am back in Atlanta and there is absolutely no comparison between the weather here and the weather I had to endure while I was in Ireland. And much as it pains me to say it, cos the patriot in all of us hates to think that their homeland is nothing short of perfect, but the weather was crap. The wind, the rain, the cold. Nobody should have those type of conditions forced upon them and then have the rest of the world tell them that its summer. I call “Foul” and think someone out there is just having a laugh at our nations expense. But luckily, I didn’t go back for the weather, I went back for the people, my people, or as we like to say here in Georgia, “my peeps”. And on that front, I was not disappointed. I had a great time with all my family and got to catch up with a lot of my friends, Not all unfortunately, cos no matter how long I stay, its never enough to get around to everyone.
The week has really been spent just getting things back in order. During my 3 week absence, the garden managed to grow itself into a tiny North American Rain Forest and so that had to be tackled. I say, “had” like it’s all in the past and has been completely dealt with, but the truth is, it hasn’t. I have made a stab at it though, with the old lawn-mower and next week my good friend, Jose, will be dropping by to help with the more manly stuff, like ripping out crappy bushes and wacking at weeds the size of a NBA players. It's going to be a lot of fun. The only thing that will make it hellish, besides the thorns and possible snakes living in said bushes is the unbearable heat. The heat will probably kill me, but being from Mexico, I don’t imagine Jose will struggle too badly. But I’m never one to back down from a challenge, so we’ll see.
We also had some guests pop in to see us this week too. You all remember our Aggressive Intern, Gordy? He’s the one we threw the Red Neck birthday for. Well his parents were on vacation here in the South and decided to swing by for a few days. And they were nothing but nice. Not at all aggressive. So I have no idea where Gordy gets it from?!? They even stocked the cupboards and fridge full of the foods Gordy and I like to eat before they left. It was so cute and reminded me of my college years.
And finally, today myself and a couple of girlfriends drove about an hour and a half outside of Atlanta, to a place called Rutledge. Rutledge is a very tiny, country town in the middle of nowhere. It’s the type of town that has one general store that also operates as a post office, soda bar and café. And the highlight of everyday is the train that rolls in, dropping off some random strangers. But what they do have out there is a sunflower farm. We are talking acres and acres of sunflowers. It’s amazing. We got up at the crack of dawn so we could get out there for sunrise, cos they say that's the best time to see the flowers and you know what, they weren’t lying. It was great. But as you can imagine, with all those flowers, came billions of bees and bugs and critters. A potential nightmare for a girl that appears to have the blood that no mosquito can resist. But since I am that girl, with that blood, I was clever enough to shower myself in insect repellent and managed to walk away with 1 bite, on my right shin. And if you saw the amount of bugs that were out there, you would understand what a great success that was.
Now that we are pretty much caught up, I will do my absolute best not to leave such long gaps betweens my posts. I won’t be traveling again for a while, so I can get back to my normal routine and allow time in my week for blogging up dates.
Down Town Rutledge.
Lovely big Sunflower.
Miles and miles of sunflowers.
wowwww the sunflowers are so pretty, they are my favorite, because you don´t really see them in Iceland!
Come on Skype and tell me about your aggression problems...
And hey no stopping in the US... come to me!!!!
miss you a lot, it was fun talkin the other day ...!
Hey, check your e-mail. I'm coming. I hope Iceland is ready for me?
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