Please allow me to vent. I'm tired and grumpy and I want nothing more than to bitch for a minute. I've just arrived back from California on a 5 hour flight where I was the proud occupant of a middle seat. Gross. Is there anyone out there who enjoys the middle seat?? I didn't think so. Throw 2 burly men with 10 ft long legs in the seats either side of me into the mix and its even more miserable. Not only that but both men were spilling over into my seat, invading my personal space and refusing to give me any elbow room on the arm-rest. So rude and very unattractive I have to say.
Anyway, I'm home now. I'm exhausted and I just want to go to bed. But I need to get my photo posted. Am not sure if this is cheating, but I used my point n' shoot for these particular pics cos I was too lazy to dig my camera gear out of the bag.
Fintan, my cat, is today's subject. Cos he displayed such excitement when I got home tonight. He was so pumped he ran laps around the house and kept lying down at my feet for belly tickles. However, Fintan doesn't love getting his photo taken, at least not at close range. He gets very shy and will avoid eye contact at all costs. So what we got instead was a side profile and sleepy looking head-shot. But I'll take it. Fatigue won't allow me look for an alternative.

God I hate the middle seat too. Always try to avoid it.I thought it was just me who always got the two in-considerate tossers who refuse to play fair with the arm rest.
Hope the trip to LA LA land was worth it.
Looking forward to tomorrows photo.
It not just you Ang. We must be so tiny people forget we're actually there.
at least you're a skinny little thing! ; )
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