Saturday, April 10, 2010

Itsy Bitsy

I packed in a hurry Sunday night. I packed on auto pilot. I pulled together what I normally pull together for my trips with very little thought or consideration for my actual destination or expected climate. It was only as I drove to the airport that my pilot switched from auto to manual and I realized sh*t, I didn't pack a bikini. How does a girl headed to California NOT pack a bikini? Seriously. Its California after all, hot and sunny all year round, right?
So I made an emergency stop at Target en route to the airport and in record time purchased, without trying on, a bikini. Phew, now I felt ready for the trip.

However, upon arrival I discovered that you know what? It actually does get cold in California and IS currently, not very hot. Damn it. Why didn't I just check the weather channel? I promise you, at least 4 times out of 10, I'm a very smart girl.

So my new bikini went all the way to Orange County and never saw the light of day, until I unpacked this afternoon (yes I got back Wednesday, but I've been busy, stop judging). And so it was with good reason that I made it my subject for today's photo of the day.



Silja said...

wowww cool picture... love the colors ;) Like the bikini too! ;)

miss you

Artstar said...

Nice pattern here, I like the contrast bt the vibrant stripes and the worn stripes of the wood. Countdown til our shoot today!

Shinks said...

Silja: got your e-mail. Will write back tomorrow, too sleepy right now.

Laura: Thanks Laura for the comment and for a great evening shooting.