Friday, April 30, 2010

And So It Continues

100% of the comments to my last post said "Yes" to going another 28 Days of my photo challenge. And far be it from me to ague with the masses, all 3 of them. So I'll power on for the next 4 weeks and see what I can muster up.

However, I've arrived in Jamaica sans lap-top and sans camera. My plan was to detached from both for a couple of days in an effort to recharge, but I do have my sometimes trustworthy point n'shoot and Husband's lap-top which I've hijacked for a few minutes, so pardon the rough appearance of my photos for the remainder of the weekend, I believe I am the proud owner of the worst point n'shoot in the history of point n'shoot's.

I also wanted today's photo to be a shot of Jamaica, but right now its dark outside and something tells me that roaming the streets of Kingston in darkness would not be a smart move, so instead I've posted a picture of my racing spike cos they are kick-ass.

First of all, they were designed in the Irish colors.
Second of all, my name is stitched on the side.
And third of all, there's a little Shamrock stitched onto the heel, along with my country, Ireland.
How cool is that? New Balance designed them for me a few years ago for the Olympics and I still wear them now when I pace-make. I love em. They make me feel special and who doesn't like to feel special sometimes?

Thursday, April 29, 2010

I Made It

I just realized that today is the last day of my 28 Day Challenge. I made it. I can't believe it.
It was actually more challenging than I thought, which would explain the word "challenge" I guess. Trying to come up with different things to shoot and some days finding the time to shoot and post was more than I was able to handle, but I still did it.

Now I guess the next question is, do I continue? Do I dare take on another 28 Days? Did anyone out there find it interesting or just straight up boring? Feel free to share, positive or otherwise.

And while you ponder here is today's photo, its my laptop keyboard for a couple of reasons.
1. because of how obvious and genius it was of Apple to think if putting those little lights under each key?? And 2. because I really have been spending waaaay too much time with my laptop these days, working hard on an couple of things that I'm almost ready to share.
But like all relationships, not matter how much you like each other or how well you get along, everyone needs a break. As a result I will be leaving my laptop behind as I head off to Jamaica for the weekend. Don't be jealous, its not what you think, some grandiose vacation. I'm actually stepping back into my booty-shorts and spikes and pacing the women's 800m at the Kingston International. Should be a fun weekend.


Wednesday, April 28, 2010



Today is your birthday and in honor of your BIG day Paul & I, Fintan & Dexter wanted to send you special wishes.


To be honest, Fintan was not a willing participant and at the first opportunity he made a break for it.


We also got you a cake. Chocolate, your favorite. Oh wait, thats my favorite.


And Fintan's too by the look of it.


Have a great day Dad, I'll talk to you later.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

All The Bambi Lovers Should Look Away

All the Bambi fans out there should look away, now. Cos tonight as Husband and I took a stroll around the lake we came across the bits and pieces of a very broken up Bambi. Outside of the Disneyland compound, there were no happy endings for this little deer.

I'm an animal person, so I did my best to detach from the reality of what might have happened for this little guy to end up the way he did, scattered all over our property. But it's hard when your Husband, walking a few meters ahead keeps yelling "Oh Shinks look, his vertebra. And over here, his ribcage. These should be your photos today." Everyone, please let me introduce you to my Husband, the barbarian.
And in the absence of anything else to post today, here is the carnage. Sorry : (

The skull.


Some leg or hip bone.


The vertebra.


The ribcage.


Monday, April 26, 2010

Someone To Throw Up On

There is no denying we women are emotional creatures, f'real and I am absolutely no exception. In fact I am the most dramatic, emotional person I know and I don't do things by half. If I'm crying then I'm all in. Tears, runny buggers, inability to breath. If I'm happy then I'm all in. Laughing loud and hard, ferocious hand gestures and hyperactive tendencies. And if I'm mad, wow am I all in there too.

Tonight Husband arrived home from a weekend in Africa and was barely in the door when I was throwing my anger, frustration, stress and worry up all over him. Projectile emotion, that was his welcome home gift. I'm know, you don't have to say it, I'm a total sweetheart. Honestly I didn't mean for it to happen. But something about the person who knows you best, showing up when your at a low point is enough to open the flood gates on all emotion and I just couldn't help myself. Its a tough job no doubt, but like it or not, Husband has signed on to be the person I will forever throw up on, or at least until death do us part.

In a separate but related issue, todays Photo of the Day comes from an engagement session I helped my friend Tessa with. I use the word "Helped" loosely, cos truth be told I was only there for about 30 minutes before I had to dash off. But my ego likes to think that I was completely invaluable for the short time I was there.

We shot at Paschal's Restaurant cos this is where the couple had their first date.


The groom-to-be was rockin this fine pair of aviators which almost accidently on purpose slipped into my camera bag, ooopsie (said with coy smile)


Our bride-to-be was sporting some fine ice on that left hand too.


Sunday, April 25, 2010

Be Positive

Have you ever had one of those weekends that you swear if one more thing goes wrong, you may not be responsible for your reactions? Well, welcome to my weekend.
It was a series upon series of unfortunate events with oh so many highlights that its hard to choose one. But if I had to, I would say its a toss up between the State of Alabama trying to kill me and the receiving of a speeding ticket just as I pulled into my own driveway.

The only positive thing to come out of the weekend was this:


I passed this gentleman as I drove from the grooms hotel (where I shot the boys getting ready), en route to the bride's house (where the ceremony was taking place). And even though I was in a mad hurry, I still pulled over. How could I not? The man was carrying a message for me.


I have no idea what was in his cart, but I know each item had a story and meant something to him.


Friday, April 23, 2010

Road Trip Prep

I popped the hood and looked for the dip-stick. Pulled it out to get a visual. Does my car need oil?? Hmmmm, hard to tell. What exactly is low and what is just right?? No clue, so I figured putting in a quart wouldn't hurt. But hang on a second, where does the oil go? I see loads of caps and knobs but nothing with a little oil can symbol on top. This is what Husband has trained me to look for, "look for a cap with the picture of a little oil can". But there's nothing. This car was obviously designed for a target market that does not include women. How am I suppose to know where the oil goes now?

I whipped out my camera phone, snap a picture of my exposed engine and send it to Husband with a coy message "there's no oil can symbol. Where does the oil go?" Within minutes, in a discussion over text with attached pictures, the problem was solved. God I love technology sometimes and now I'm set of my road trip. Where am I off to? Florida baby. Yes, I'm second shooting a wedding on Saturday and I'm so excited. I'm all packed, (see below) and ready for my long drive. But I'm going to need a pass on my Photo A Day Challenge tomorrow due to the fact that I'll be flat out at the wedding all day. But I'll be back on track Sunday.

Clothes, equipment, hydration and snacks (healthy & otherwise), everything a girl needs for a long drive and a day of shooting.


I know y'all are probably tired seeing photos of my puppy and kitty, sorry but this weekend Dexter is going to stay with a pet sitter for the first time ever and I'm so nervous and anxious. I'm afraid he's going to feel abandoned and unwanted. I've explained the situation to him over and over again, both to reassure him, and me that everything will be alright. But I not sure he really gets it.
Sorry Dexter, I'll be back as early as I can on Sunday, promise.


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Theme Thursday - Rust

For today's Theme Thursday we are photographing "Rust" and as I drove home this evening a particular yard caught my eye, not for its well manicured lawns, flowing fountain center-piece or blossoming spring flowers but because of the complete opposite. We're talking old cars and lawn-mowers, filing cabinets and washing machines and lord knows what else. Now normally a scene like this would leave me baffled and confused, but this time, with my theme in the back of my head I basically gave myself a high-five and chest-bump. If ever there was a place to find rust, this is where was it. And I wasn't wrong.

This is the not so pretty side of rust.



And to keep things balanced and offer a little yang to the ying, here is the prettier side to rust. The infamous Georgia clay.


Which I thought looked fabulous as a black & white too.


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Part of My Day- In Photos

I'm a road rager, which is not a good thing to be if you live in Atlanta cos traffic is ALWAYS a nightmare. But today for some reason, I didn't feel like dealing with it. So instead I chose calmness, serenity and green tea over white knuckles, fowl language and elevated blood pressure.


Then I used my secret weapon Maggs, to find me an alternative route home, away from the congested highways.


After dinner Husband and I took Dexter on a walk around our property.


But something caught his attention. Something following close behind.


It was Fintan. Fintan didn't want to be left out, so he trotted along behind us.


The boys taking a pit-stop.


Fintan got distracted climbing some trees, so Dexter and I waited for him to catch up. No man gets left behind.


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Boys And Their Toys

Its been an exhaustingly busy day and I want nothing more than to shut my computer down and crawl into bed. But I need to get my photo for today posted. After getting this far, wait, how far am I? Seriously, I don't even know what day I'm on anymore, and I'm waaay to tired to do the math. All I know is that I haven't dropped the ball yet, so lets just keep on keepin on (quote from Frank the Tank, Old School movie)

Anyway, todays photo's are a bit repetitive and random. I set back-button focus up on my camera and was practicing to make sure I was proficient in its usage. Husband's toy antique truck was my subject and I know he's super excited and proud to have this representation of himself out there for all of cyber world to enjoy.

"These photo's are all for you honey. And now you can see that I truly do appreciate how awesome your wee truck is, truly. This was not about me and my back-button exercise. It was about you and your crush on all things pick-up : )"





Monday, April 19, 2010

Greedy Mitts

Last week I mentioned that my friend & photographer, Laura was shooting an engagement session that she allowed me to tag along on. Completely awesome. Not only that, but knowing that I'm close to making a new lens purchase (totally excited), Laura allowed me to hijack and play with a bunch of her very expensive lenses to help with my decision of which lens to get. Can you say kid in a candy shop?? Unfortunately though, now I want them all. All of the lenses. Boxed and shipped with a huge red bow. So come on Mega Millions Lottery, spit out my number why don't ya?

But while we wait for that to happen, here are some photos I shot of Katie and Billy, an adorable couple getting married in July.


The low sun provided some really good shadow for us to get creative with.


Look at this tree-house. Seriously. I want to live in it. Total penthouse.



Loved these little lanterns that ran the length of the walkway to the tree-house.


A little lake reflect.


And last but not least, Ms. Laura herself. Thanks so much Laura for letting me join you on this shoot AND for trusting your lenses in my very excited, greedy little mitts. You rock!


Sunday, April 18, 2010

Out of Focus

Todays photo of the day is out of focus, I know, but I don't mind cos its a photo of myself and my good friend Tessa. Tessa is an awesome photographer and today we got to hangout for a few hours cos she is helping me with a little project. Hopefully I can share more about my project over the coming weeks, but for now here is myself and Tessa, sorta.

We took the shot using self-timer and out of habit left the camera set to manual, hence the struggle with focus, oopsie. Which is a shame, cos now the world can't fully appreciate how fierce my boots are.

Tessa, thank you soooo much for your help today. It really was greatly appreciated. And thanks too for being as funny and open as you are, it made things so much easier.


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Doggie Park

Big day for little Dexter today. He had his first trip to the Dog Park. For a long time now I've been wanting to take him to the Dog Park, but due to the fact that he can be such a handful at home, I was sure once we got to the park he'd be a handful x 100. Being around all those other dogs would surly drive his already hyperactive tendencies to levels not registered on any chart. And truth be told, I wasn't fully confident in my own abilities to take control should the need arise. Can you tell I haven't been around dogs much? Well there was absolutely no need to worry. Dexter was the perfect dog. He did me proud.

He was actually quite shy when we first arrived. Not sure what to make of the whole situation.


But slowly he started to make friends.


Then it was play time. Dexter is on the right but by the looks of it, that could be a long lost cousin on the left.


He even made some special connections.


By the time we got home, he was spent. Play time can be so very draining.


In other news, Fintan is having quite a day of hunting. He's shown up twice today with 2 lizards, and once again due to the absence of some male muscle, I've had to quieten my inner squealy girl and step up to deal with the rescue and removal.

This little guy I believe will survive. The other guy may not have been so lucky. Lets just say there was blood.


Friday, April 16, 2010



Its no secret that we women like to test our men every now and then. We ask silly little questions. Play silly little games. Make silly little statements. But men everywhere should be warned, these questions, games and statements, are ALL loaded. Your are being tested. You are being judged. And you better not fail or we will cry.

Today I was guilty of dabbling in a little spousal entrapment. Husband is a big Christina Aguilera fan and this morning on the radio it was mentioned that her marriage may be on the rocks, so I decided to text Husband the news and see his reaction. Here's how it played out:

My text: I just heard Christina Aguilera's marriage is on the rocks.

Husband's text: Nice!

Ladies, you can see that right out of the gate Husband has FAILED his test. That was the wrong answer. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

My text: (loaded with attitude) Yeah, it is nice cos now your marriage is on the rocks too. (insert Irish girl profanity here) #*%^ You.

Husband's Text: Okay okay. I'm just kidding. You're the only girl for me. But could you maybe take some singing lessons?

Oh the bare faced cheek of him.

My text: (insert Irish girl profanity here) *%#^ You.

As a result and for today's photo of the day, I decided to take a shot of my weight room. Yes Ms. Aguilera, I work out. And my workout's include regular weight lifting. Just thought you might want to know that.


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Theme Thursday

If you thought my 28 Day Photo-A-Day-Challenge was tough (or maybe I'm the only one who thinks it is) a fellow photographer and friend, Tasra Dawson is smack in the middle of a 365 Day Challenge. Yes ma'am, Ms Tasra does not play. She is shooting and posting a photo a day for 365 days/1 year and I believe she is well past day 200 at this point. Scary. I'm about 12 days into my own and honestly I'm finding that its not always easy coming up with ideas of what to shot and post day after day. Imagine if you were doing it for 365 days, how would you keep yourself motivated and inspired??

So the other day I stopped by Tasra's blog to see how she keeps the creative juices flowing and came across one tool which she uses and that is "Theme Thursday". Each Thursday a theme is suggested and then its up to you (me) to go out and shoot a photo related to that theme. Sweet, the topic is picked and I simply have to go out and capture it.

This Thursday the theme was negative space and as I parked the car at Target this morning, this sign, riddled with negative space caught my eye. Lucky for me, I had my camera on board and so the image was captured.
