We just can't get a break here in Atlanta. This has been the coldest, wettest Winter in many many decades. Mother Nature is mad and she just wont let up. This past weekend saw yet another round of dropped temperatures and several inches of snow-fall. And while its cold and inconvenient, it sure is pretty. Our little property was transformed into a Winter wonderland and I couldn't resist whipping out the camera to capture this totally lick-able scene.
If you look closely, you can just about make out our driveway.

This picture makes me want Christmas back, bad.

Saturday morning I was up early enough to capture the magical light from the sunrise.

The lake is in the right-hand corner of this shot, but its hard to see cos its covered with a film of ice. Not thick enough to skate on this time round, thank god.

Dexter couldn't get enough of the snow. He ran, rolled and ate so much that he threw up a big glob of clear, icy liquid.

Fintan had a blast too but was confused about where the earth had disappeared to, so he kept burrowing and burrowing until he reached a surface he recognized.

Very nice pictures Karen! Are Dexter and Fintan BFF's yet?
Take care!
Hmmm, BFF's? I won't say that. We are forcing them to spend a bit more time hanging out in the same room at the same time. Its had some very dramatic results. Lots of chasing, hissing and swatting.
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