Monday, February 1, 2010

I'm A Horrible Person Me

One thing I noticed about us Irish people, and it took a move across the ocean before I realized this about myself and my peeps, but we love our "Double Singular". What do I mean by that? Well, we appear to be in the habit of referring to ourselves twice in any given sentence. For example: "I love pizza me". Note the "I" at the beginning of the statement and then the perfectly placed "me" at the very end? Don't ask me why we do this. Don't ask me how it started. I have no idea. My guess is that we want to leave the listener with absolutely no doubt whatsoever that we are in fact talking about ourselves.

Having said that, I now have to confess, "I'm a horrible person me". Today I did something I'm not comfortable or happy about. Today I reacted in anger and frustration to a situation that could have been handled for want of a better word, well, better. But I allowed the red mist impair my vision and cloud my mind and in the moment I lost all reason and logic. As a result someone I care about was hurt, not physically but emotionally and let me tell you, it does not feel good. Quite frankly, it makes me feel like poo. But I couldn't take back. It was already out there and no fancy DeLorean time machine with built in flux capacitor could bring me back to the point where I still had a chance, a chance at handling it differently. It was too late for that. Eventually my friend and I did get the opportunity to talk and I was able to take full ownership of my less than savvy reactions and apologize, which has helped a little. The rest I will just have to learn from and move on.

But in a effort to pick the mood up a little and not end the blog on such a somber note, I'd like to mention a few positive things that have happened over the past few days.

- My pace making job in New York went well and I even managed to get 135 seconds of fame on ESPN's TV coverage of the meet.

- The car in front of me at the toll bridge today decided to pay my toll too. Good people still exist.

- The coffee shop in our office building finally fixed their cappuccino machine.

- Finally thank you to Peter and Mikala for forcing me to try the homemade Moroccan soup with peanut butter, which I was adamant I would hate due to the presents of peanut butter. As it turns out, you were right, that stuff was soooo good.

1 comment:

Alan said...

Only 135 on ESPN??? Tut tut. Not sure about the camera work here.

There is over 3 mins of your running, but the camera seems to miss most of it because you were going too fast!!!