You know your getting old when you get crazy excited about a new washer and dryer and I mean CRAZY excited. We are talking jumping up and down excited. Swinging out of Husband’s neck excited. I seriously could not contain myself when I came home from work yesterday to find these new appliances, big, blue and shiny new. It felt like Christmas.
I can’t wait to go shopping for some detergent so I can let these babies rip. Honestly, I may even crank open a bottle of wine, pull up a chair and watch them work their laundry magic. Sad? Maybe, but I don’t care. I love my new washer and dryer and I feel like celebrating.

Shinks, I'm kinda obsessed with washing clothes so I completely understand the obsession. Peter has no dryer in his house, i know wtf???? I have to dry all the clothes on a clothes horse. Hate it. It takes 3 days for all the clothes to be done.
Got puppy today omg she is so so so so cute. She plays loads and then just goes to sleep for an hour. Love her. You are gonna adore her. Fintan perhaps would not find her so endearing......
Yippeee for the puppy. Name please, what are we calling her???
Tell The Sailor that no dryer is no way to live. Get it together.
when we first moved to ny we came w/a hand me down stackable washer dryer unit (and a preschooler and an infant)the washer held a total of 3 pairs of jeans and a shirt. the dryer blew cold air only. one christmas a few years later i came home from work only to find a giant box from best buy in my driveway. one of my brothers (have 4)took pity on me & bought me the largest and nicest washer he could find. I hugged and kissed it....worshipped it like it was a shiny new yup! I GET IT :) Congrats on the chrismas presents!
p.s. save the dryer story for another day....
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