Question: You have a commitment free Sunday. You live on 12 plus acres. What do you do?
Answer: Obviously you hire yourself a BobCat and build yourself a running trail, duh!
And thats exactly what we're doing. Shortly after the crack of dawn this morning, Husband fired up his new, hired toy and got working on a walking/running trail we're designing to run the full perimeter of the property.
Now I'll be the first to admit I'm not always on board with many of Husband's plans and ideas, but this project gets my full support, for selfish reasons mostly. As we all know, I like to run, always have, so the fact that soon I will be able to step out my door and go running on my very own trail, taking in all corners of our property, including the lake, forest and open areas is going to be the best, nay, its going to be amazing. I can hardly wait.
The goal is to design the trail so that one full lap of the property will = 1 mile. We've spent the past 3 days, walking it out, measuring, mapping and remapping to the point that we think we have it nailed. Its going to be awesome. The work is definitely not easy, but for some reason, you through a Husband behind the controls of a machine of mini destruction and all of a sudden he's the happiest Husband in the world. What is it with men and machinery? I just don't get it.
Regardless, here is the happy man himself in action.

good for you husband LOVES to get out his chainsaw to make new trails on our land ....should use them for running but am spoiled w the I use them for tailriding w my horses :) Enjoy!!!!
Maybe we should get a horse or 2 to help us wear in the trail, hmmmm, its a thought.
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