Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Power of Words

I’ve been racing around all day today, trying to utilize the weekend to tackle all the things a crazy work week does not allow me to do. Endless chores, endless errands. Squeezing in a work out, tapping into my multi-tasking abilities by catching up with friends over dinner, thus allowing me to fulfill my basic need for food along with my basic need for sharing and obtaining information, otherwise know as, gossip. 

My “To-Do” list feels endless and I operate at high speed from the second I get up till its time to go to bed. I get frustrated with anyone who tries to stand in the way of my schedule, for example, a telemarketer calling just as I’m running out the door, having to turn the car around for a forgotten wallet, too many red lights on my way to the bank. All of it elevates my stress levels and intensifies the pressure and expectation that I won’t get it all done. 

Today, however something stopped me in my tracks. A gesture that was so simple, so unexpected, but unbelievably thoughtful and heartfelt. It was a card. A card that almost got lost amongst the junk mail. Addressed to me. Confused I began to open it as I try to think what it could possibly be. Birthday is the only thing that comes to mind, but mine is months away. So I go ahead a pull it out. “Thank You” is what the front of the card is telling me. I’m still confused. Have I really done something nice for someone lately?? Not that I’m not capable of nice, of course I am, but at this moment I’m struggling to recall, so I just go ahead and read.

Once read I’m lost for words. The card is from Nancy. Nancy, for those of you who may not remember is Paula’s mom and Paula is the stunner I photographed a few weeks ago for Prom. They loved their photos and they wanted to let me know.

“Nancy and Paula, I am beyond excited that you loved your photos and for you to take the time to put pen to card and explain this to me, wow, all I can say is “it was my absolute pleasure and you are so welcome”. Your thoughtful card stopped me dead in the middle of a whirlwind of chores and made me smile, so for that reason alone, I placed it front and centre on our book self.”

See, I wasn't kidding.

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