Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Cleaner

So the trip back to Atlanta? A nightmare to say the least. The airline I flew, offered the most uncomfortable flying experience ever. The food was of Oliver Twist standard. The seats were tight and the leg room was zero. That coming from a person who is only 5’5” and not all that wide, means that the taller, more fuller figured people, must have felt tortured on this plane. Yes, this company found a way to pack as many seats possible, into the space available by cutting waaaay back on the luxuries such as leg and elbow room. Of course the company mindset is, more seats, more tickets sold, more $$$ earned per flight. The low grade food and no inflight entertainment, well that's just clever cost cutting in their opinion. 

Anyway, once in Philly I was greeted with the news that my flight to Atlanta was delayed. By how long? Just 45 minutes. Not too bad. Oh wait, another announcement, sorry, its delayed an hour and 15 minutes. Ooookay, not happy but not much I can do. Hang on, some updated information, flight delayed a FURTHER 2 hours. Grrrrr. This went on and on, in the end, final figure on delayed hours, 7 HOURS. Yes, I was stranded in Philly airport for 7 hours. I finally arrived in Atlanta close to 2am and had to be up at 5.30am to go to work. What a disaster. Throw in the fact that this week, my co-worker has been going through some sort of emotional crisis and even though she was physically present at the office, she was mentally checked out and operating at minimum effort, thus leaving it all to yours truly, a jet-legged zombie, to hold things down. And I barely held it down. Actually, I think I made a bit of a f#*k up, but won’t know officially until I get to the office on Monday. 

Anyway from there I have to approach the topic of my kitty cat, Fintan, who in my opinion is the best damn cat in the world. However, Fintan has developed into a real predator a hunter if you will, taking home anything from small bugs and butterflies, to lizards, chipmunks and snakes. Yes, Fintan has brought snakes into my home. As a non-lover of wild creatures, Fintan’s new “skill” has me living on my nerve. You never know what he’s going to show up with and most of the time, when he brings it home, its not fully dead. Luckily up to this point, a man, by way of Husband or a friend, has been on hand to deal with the carnage. However last Friday, in the absence of “a man” Shinks had to step up and take on the role of “Cleaner” herself. Fintan’s latest hunt resulted in a bird, a badly mauled bird, we are talking missing eye and bloodied wing, had somehow managed to get his injured self away from my cat and up and over the door of one of our showers.

We managed to capture my bird rescue skills on video but I have to warn you, my cameraman Mike, is even more terrified of wild creatures than me, so his camera skills are pretty bad. Also, “this movie has been rated 17 due to scenes of violence and use of language” . Sorry da, I was nervous and the bad words just slipped out.


Alan said...

Quality!!!! Total quality!! I think Spielburg and Jessica Alba have just retired! They know they will be no chance of getting any oscars!!

As for the flights, why don't u name and shame...... or fearful of legal issues?? Sounds like fun in the airport! Hope the bar was open..... not like heathrow which closes at 10!!!

Shinks said...

Alan: Your so right, I really think I have uncovered a new talent. A gift if you will.

And of course I'm not scared of the people at US Airways, I guess I'm just a nice person and didn't want to hurt their feeling or something to that effect.
But no, no bars, so instead I opted to eat my emotions.

Alan said...

Hmmmm yes, I think perhaps the new Lara Croft? You'd have the fitness for it!!!

Didn't think you would be scared of anyone alright!!!

Still can't believe u were in Ireland again, and you are just timing it every time when I am not there!! Such a trip for a weekend! But I suppose prof photographers have to go where the assignments take them!!!

Silja said...

Jesusss... I can´t believe how brave you were...!

But can we talk about how nice my bathroom looks????? hello! love it!

hey the little guy will get a name tomorrow - I´ll text you it - after we have decided it!!!