The other day I was in such a hurry to get to where I was going. I wasn’t officially late, but if I didn’t keep the foot to the floor I was at serious risk. I was under pressure and I was driving like a girl under pressure. There was none of this slowing down and preparing to stop crap as the light went from green to amber. It was more of an accelerator type situation. I just could not afford to spare the extra few minutes waiting for my turn in the traffic light rotation. I really, really had to be somewhere. So as I’m pegging it up the road I begin to search the radio stations. I need music, but not any kind of music. I need music that is up beat, energetic and fast. Something that matches the frantic hurry I am in right now. I get Leona Lewis and her “Bleeding Love”. No, this is too damn slow and soppy. Next was Rihanna with her “Take a Bow”. Again, too damn slow, soppy and brings back way too many memories of cheating ex boyfriends. Bastards. All of them. Finally we come across Mr. Timberlake and “Sexy Back”. Oh my god, perfect. Full volume please so I can bounce and shake along with the song, but yet have my own awful tone deaf voice drowned out in the process.
Now everything is moving along well. I’m making great time and should be at my destination mere seconds after I’m suppose to be. That is until I make a left and find myself behind grandma. Not good. I thought it was a joke first and that maybe she just needed some time to get her speed up. But speed never happened for grandma. I’m not kidding when I tell you that we ranged from 25-27 miles per hour. There were a couple of down hill situations that pushed us up to about a 32, but this just made grandma waaaaay too nervous and so there was constant braking to help her regain control and ease her back down to her comfort zone of 25-27. I am getting really frustrated. I’m on the verge of raging. We’re going to be on this road for a while and the thoughts of doing this the whole way, is sending me over the edge.
I become aware that I am driving very close to the rear of her car. Somehow I am of the opinion that this will suddenly encourage a big surge forward on her part or maybe I think I can just tip her bumper slightly in an effort to nudge her on. Then I realize that this maybe scaring her slightly and as I’ve picked up from our downhill experiences, scaring grandma makes her brake and we absolutely do not want that. So I’m enduring. I’m enduring as best I can. I know there is a “Stop” sign not too far ahead and my hope once we get there, is that she is going a different way. However, once we arrive at the sign, the road beyond, the road I want to be on, is closed and there is a detour off to the left. Grandma indicates her intention to go left, so I immediately change my plan and head off to the right. I don’t care that it’s slightly longer. I don’t care that traffic volume is more. I just care about getting away from grandma.
However, grandma did end up having the last laugh, cos I got stuck at red light after red light and traffic upon traffic, resulting in a very late arrival at my final destination.
Now everything is moving along well. I’m making great time and should be at my destination mere seconds after I’m suppose to be. That is until I make a left and find myself behind grandma. Not good. I thought it was a joke first and that maybe she just needed some time to get her speed up. But speed never happened for grandma. I’m not kidding when I tell you that we ranged from 25-27 miles per hour. There were a couple of down hill situations that pushed us up to about a 32, but this just made grandma waaaaay too nervous and so there was constant braking to help her regain control and ease her back down to her comfort zone of 25-27. I am getting really frustrated. I’m on the verge of raging. We’re going to be on this road for a while and the thoughts of doing this the whole way, is sending me over the edge.
I become aware that I am driving very close to the rear of her car. Somehow I am of the opinion that this will suddenly encourage a big surge forward on her part or maybe I think I can just tip her bumper slightly in an effort to nudge her on. Then I realize that this maybe scaring her slightly and as I’ve picked up from our downhill experiences, scaring grandma makes her brake and we absolutely do not want that. So I’m enduring. I’m enduring as best I can. I know there is a “Stop” sign not too far ahead and my hope once we get there, is that she is going a different way. However, once we arrive at the sign, the road beyond, the road I want to be on, is closed and there is a detour off to the left. Grandma indicates her intention to go left, so I immediately change my plan and head off to the right. I don’t care that it’s slightly longer. I don’t care that traffic volume is more. I just care about getting away from grandma.
However, grandma did end up having the last laugh, cos I got stuck at red light after red light and traffic upon traffic, resulting in a very late arrival at my final destination.
Final score: Grandma 1 : Shinks 0
Sexy back always does it for you ... I can´t get the image of you dancing with that song out of my head... on high heels, hands on the floor and the butt up there...
I clearly need to download this song before August the 15th...
Don't hate Silja cos you can't shake it like I can shake it.
But hey, you know exactly what I was thinking when that Leona Lewis song came on, right?
One word.......Jamrock.
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