I finally made it to Iceland as scheduled very early on Sunday morning. Unfortunately my bags were not so lucky. Even though they got a full day head start, they didn't make it until monday afternoon. So for the first day and a half I was wearing clothes donated by Silja, her mom and her younger sister. But that did not stop us getting stuck into all out tourist activities. After my early arrival on Sunday, I took a nap for a couple of hours then Silja took me on a tour of her town.

We dropped by the house of the President of Iceland. It was so cool, you are actually allowed park and walk around the grounds of his home. There is no security guard waiting to pull a gun or strip search you , no CIA, nothing. Weird, I can't think of any other country
that allows you get so close to the President.

Then we went to check out the local Viking village before we swung by Silja's mom's house for some homemade pizza complete with Dorrito's on top. Don't knock it till you've tried it. It was delicious. I also got to try her mom's homemade tequila. No joke, her mom makes her own tequila. I'm not a big tequila drinker, but it wasn't bad. It did definitely warm up my insides.

Monday we packed up our bikini's and headed off to the Blu Lagoon. This place was amazing. All the water pours up from miles down in the earth and is so blue, like a toothpaste type blue and its salty and hot, hot, hot. You could see the steam rising from the lagoon from miles away. Thats what the picture above is.

Here we are in the lagoon. The water, the lava rocks and the view was just amazing. The weather is a little cold right now, so it's weird to think that a country which can be so cold, produces these natural sources of such heat.

There is Silja putting some of the natural mud on her face, which is apparently great for the skin.

And since I'm a sucker for anything that will make my skin fabulous, I lashed it on too.

Ok, it looks funny now, but wait till you see me in a few days. I will be 16 all over again.

Monday was also the birthday of Silja's dad. So we swung by his house that evening for some yummy Icelandic fish soup, lots and lots of desserts and plenty of wine. Her dad has this wolf skin that he got as a gift a couple of years ago, so myself and Silja decided to have some fun with it. Like the uber rich ladies we are so ment to be.

See, I'm just ment to be a lady that wears fur. Just joking PETA.
Glad to hear you got there eventually! Those pictures are class! I so want to go there sometime. Wow.
Hi Karen
Sounds like loads of fun! I just flew off to Saudi and had an ignorant fecker sticking his knees in the back of my seat for 3 hours!! Despite the stewardess's coming down to him every half an hour!! But at least you're luggage turned up....
That place looks amazing!! I'm sure we could create something like that back in Ireland, stick a few electricity pollss into the lakes! Might work!!
So what is your assesment of the olympics so far? Or has this trip become remedy to remove you from having to view anymore of them?? Watching as much as I can but still managed to miss Derval on Sunday!! Sulk!! Felt sure she would make it through!! Was in Dublin for the Tipp match, and that defeat to Waterford meant it was a very dark day for my sporting heros!!!
How are your husband's athelete's going? Guess the 100m wasn't quite the plan he had hoped for? Who else has he got over there? Sorry for the ignorance, but I haven't a clue! Should have done my research I suppose!!
Oops!! Sorry about the essay!!
Cormac, if you do get the opportunity, go, its absolutlet worth it.
Alan, sorry to hear about your airplane drama. Trust me, I have hundreds of those type of stories. Also, in honor of your question about my Olympic viewing, I added a "P.S" to my latest post and will blog an update on how some of my friends and athletes of the Husbands have been doing out there.
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