Today Intern Gordy turned 24. Happy Birthday. Gordy’s been living in The South now for 2 months, so we decided to celebrate his big day in true Red Neck style. No more of his North Eastern ways. No mam. We cracked open the Beer, Cheetos and Pop Tarts. Built him a cake of nothing but Twinkies. Grilled up some burgers and fried up some chicken and let the party begin.
The pictures tell the full story.

Myslef & Silja tried to represnt the true Red Neck women. Rollers, wife-beater (the vest), big hoop earrings & lots & lots of make-up.
What a Hot Red Neck mess. Bra staps & everything.
Red Neck Ho No.1 models the Twinkie Birtday Cake.
Now we have Red Neck Ho No.2 with cake.
The Buffet.

Look at that cake, yummy.

Birthday Boy is loving his Red Neck party.
Get a face full of that.
The pictures tell the full story.
Myslef & Silja tried to represnt the true Red Neck women. Rollers, wife-beater (the vest), big hoop earrings & lots & lots of make-up.

Birthday Boy is loving his Red Neck party.
What a waste of a good Twinkie.
lol! that is hilarious. happy birthday gordy
Those pictures are sooo funny. Although Karen.....scarey thing is you kind of suit that look!?
What a waste of twinkies. What happens if there is a nuclear fallout or war, what will you all survive on. Also, if you are going to waste twinkies on such a pointless act why not deep-fry them like all true Twinkie afeciendos (is that spelt rite?). Disappointed in Gordy, all that ESPN surfing and hanging out with those rednecks (especially the lovely Marie) in Cheesecake must be melting his brain. Now that he has come of age and become a redneck, has he bought his cross-bow for killing (and then eating) squirrels and also for accosting out-of-towners who may come canoeing floating down the stream out the back (although if they did they would probably come unstuck on Doyler's kayak from when he tried to ride the rapids in the heavy rain). Squeal like a pig.
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