Anyway, over the next month or so, I’m going to be doing a bit of traveling, beginning next week, which means lots of time spent on planes and at airports. So in an effort to make the experience as painless as possible, especially if I end up spending longer than I would have hoped at said airports due to missed connections, cancellations and all that good stuff, I like to have 1. my computer, 2. my ipod and 3. a good book or two. I have 1. and 2. pretty much covered but I don’t have any good books right now.
Recently, most of my reading material has been study based, website based or personal development based. Nothing fun, easy going or mind freeing. I’m usually a big reader, but life just keeps getting in the way of my bookstore trips. So I’m looking for some suggestions. I need something to take me away from the seriousness of life and its situations. Something that will have me engrossed so that the extra 50 hours spent waiting at my gate, feels like it went by very fast. I’m even up for a great laugh. The only thing I will say is I don’t do Sci-fi. So, no Lord of the Rings or Star Trek type stuff. Harry Potter, yes, but I’ve read all his books. Other than that, I open to any and all suggestions.
Personal Message: Beth, I know you’re a goldmine in all things book related, so I anxiously await your suggestions.
Hi Karen,
I have just finished reading A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khalen Hosseini (same author that wrote The Kiterunner) and I really enjoyed it.
As you enjoyed the latter I think you may enjoy this one too.
Ha, I was JUST about to suggest A Thousand Splendid Suns that Caitriona suggested in her comment! By far, the best book I've read, although it doesn't quite check the 'take me away from the seriousness of life' criterion that you had in your blog, but it will certainly exceed your demand for a book that makes time fly by; I couldn't put it down anyway. Fantastic stuff!
If you're looking for something to make you laugh, then one of Pauline Mclynn's books should take care of that.
There's also Ronnie Delany's new autobiography.
Hope that helps,
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