So I sat there waiting for whoever it was to come though the door. But nothing. Then I realized, it must be a stranger, some one who doesn’t know our “system”. So I got up to go answer it but Husband beat me to it. I hovered in the background trying to see who it was. And that’s when I caught a glimpse of a man, standing there holding something colorful. Flowers maybe. I started to get excited. I frantically scanned my brain trying to figure out what day and month it was. Wow, did I forget it was my birthday, anniversary or something? Then I realised it was neither and that we are in fact months away from both. That’s when I started to get hostile towards the deliveryman. I assumed he had made a mistake and was at the wrong house, so I was mad at him for getting me all pumped up and excited, just to end up disappointed.
But no, he was at the right place. Oh joy. I’m waiting for Husband to stop the small talk and get his ass in so I can attack the card and see who loves me. When he turned around it was a big bouquet of, not flowers, but fruit. It was amazing. I’ve never seen anything like it. It was big and colorful and luscious and juicy. Husband and I were both confused. What have we done lately that has been considered nice enough to get a “Thank You” like this. I knew it wasn’t me, cos I’ve been having all those anger issues lately, so it must be Husband, he is definitely the nicer of our partnership. But it turns out it was for both of us, from Paul & Ellen, Husband’s cousins and also the parents of Gordy, our new and aggressive Intern. Basically they were thanking us for finally taking Gordy off their hands.
I can´t believe this had to come when I was not at the house...
Another question ... so every other male in Pauls family is named PAUL???
Surpised Gordy is not missing a hand for going near your fruit basket. (Very nice by the way).
I suppose if it was chocolate it would be a different story. Hand, wrist, arm, shoulder all gone in a flash!
Ha ha
Oh Brother of mine,
You know me soooo well.
Is that fruit arrangement not a scale model of Doylers Bleachers, hence The Agressive One's eagerness to get in there and dismantle. By the way, has the The Agressive One finished the bleachers job yet over at Amityville or is he still sitting on his ass (are we allowed say that?) surfing Finally, not wanting to turn this into a Gordy blog, but how is his training for a sub 29 min at the Peachtree going?
I think bleachers are now dismantled & ready for the homeless people to get comfortable in.
But Pre has fallen off the wagon. He hasn't done a tap by way of running or gym in weeks. So Peachtree, is out the window.
But his ESPN addiction is still alive & kicking.
P.S of course you can say ass, this is MY blog remember. In fact, I would encourage it.
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