But lets deal with the first part. So off I went to California ready to run on the 4 x 400m relay. But it didn’t happen. We only ended up with 3 girls and 3 girls, does not a 4 x 4 make. But since I went all that way with a plan to run, run is what I did. I jumped into the 400m. And when I tell you I was nervous, I am not lying. It’s been 2 years since I’ve been in that pressure cooker, poised, standing in my lane behind my starting blocks, waiting for the starter to issue his commands. Yet here I was again, right when I thought I’d left these days well and truly behind me.
I did have some second thoughts, right before the starter said those awful words “on your marks”. But once the words were announced, I knew it was on. I was doing this. I can’t say I was the sharp, fast and powerful athlete of 2 years ago, but I held my own and I ran much, much better than I thought I could. Especially considering I had only started training for it 2 weeks ago. The end result, I was 3rd and ran 53.89sec. This time will make sense to the people in the know, but for those not, trust me, its very decent.
I want to say it was effortless, but it wasn’t. It hurt. But I did it, I survived and even ran well.
Now for my second learning experience, Silja’s cooking skills. Silja is always happy to let me do all the cooking. She insists she cannot cook, but she likes to stand over me and watch as I do my thing with the food. Her hope is that some of what she is witnessing will stick and she will see that cooking is in fact not that intimidating. However, as we were lying out enjoying the hot weather today, Silja announced that we should have a barbaque cos she knew how to do this amazing chicken and mozzarella thing. And as I was not really in the mood to cook, I happily agreed.
So, I let her take complete charge and I just stood by ready to assist. But she had it all under control. And it all turned out very well. We dined al fresco, with beer and cake and celebrated Silja’s coming of age in the kitchen.
Hi Sis
Well done, excellent run after two year break and only two weeks training
I'm one of many, I'm sure, who have been enjoying reading your blogs for the past few months; they really are a great read.
Congrats on your return to the competitive arena, aswell. What a result off just 2 weeks training.
As a big fan of Irish athletics, in particular, I hope you decide to run a few more races over the coming months. You'd be a valuable asset on the Irish Team for the Europa cup in Portugal: Shinkins, Carey, Cuddihy and A.N other would make a slammin' 4x400 team, and even an outside chance of a Beijing spot!
Keep up the great work!
Hey Karen
Damn, that is some pic of ou running the track!! Those muscles look something else!! I remember watching you on tv, didn't ever see them as being that awesome!! I'm impressed!! Very very impressed!!
Wish you would make a come back!! WIth that time, it doesn't sound like you are too far away from being able............ Beijing needs sexy athletes like you!! Although if allowed this blog wll mean that there will be alot of Silja fans in China!!!!!
shinks great to see you back not a bad start at all east sub 51 .tell silli to save me some chicken , hope all is well in the atl tell al i said hello....mac
Hey everyone,
Thanks for all your comments. All the encouragement has given me something to think about. I may even do another 2 weeks training and see what happens!
Mac, Silja told me to tell you the chicken was "lovely" (said in her best Athboy accent).
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