Today it rained. Today it rained in a way that could only be best described by those who wrote The Bible. Rain of biblical proportions. Noah's Ark ain't got nothin on us today. Its still raining as I type. It many never stop.
I've been indoors most of the day. There was no real reason for me to venture outside getting my hair all messed up and what not, or so I thought. Dexter had other ideas. Dexter is a dog with lots of energy. He needs space, he needs to be free, he needs to run. Rain keeps Dexter inside and Dexter does not like this. Having reached my breaking point with his chewing up of half the house and basic terrorizing of Fintan, I decided it was time for some drastic action. Both of us were going to have to go for a walk in the Biblical rain. Lord save us.
But rain or not, there is absolutely no reason for a girl such as myself, not to look her most fabulous as she miserably walks her dog in the continuous downpour with the odd flash of lighting and clap of thunder. No reason what so ever. So I put on my most fabulous wet suit, over the cutest little wellies (goulashes I believe is the American word) and hooded it up over a baseball cap. God I can be so trendy it hurts. I have a strong feeling my look will be picked up by many a high end fashion house and debuted as early as Fall/Winter 2011. Seriously, keep an eye out for it.
Here are my cute little wellies. A gift from my very fashion forward parents and perfect for the weather we're having right now.

That is one wet dog but one fabulous dog owner.

This is Dexter's way of thanking me for taking him out. But honestly, no thanks were needed, especially the slobbery, wet kind.

Way to tough it out down in the torrential rain. Maybe Doyler's next project should be to build a boat, a la Noah. Although judging by the look on his face, Dexter is a big fan of the rain. Hope all is well down in ATL and give the Fintanator a belly tickle for me.
Yeah maybe we should stop focusing on building the house and start focusing on the Ark.
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