Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Who Does That?
Monday, March 29, 2010
I Blame The Lucky Charms
“Its ok to sound Irish”, was what Husband said to me the other day when I hung up the phone. He’d been listening to me chatting and noted my effort in trying to sound less Irish. And its true, when I’m talking to new people, people who don’t yet know me very well, I work hard at toning down the accent. Not because I’m embarrassed, ashamed or don’t want to stand out, but because I’m trying desperately to avoid “The Lucky Charms” experience.
True story, when I first moved to the US I found myself in a conversation with someone who’d just been introduced to me. We were doing the usual small talk and chit-chat stuff you do with someone you just met, when all of a sudden dude discovers I’m Irish and right out of nowhere yells “Where’s me Lucky Charms?” It scared the bejaysus out of me and with a nervous laugh I began scanning the room for a couple of guys in white coats to tackle this man to the floor and have him readmitted to the crazy ward.
Later Husband, who was Boyfriend at the time, explained that Lucky Charms was in fact a popular American cereal who’s branding was based largely around a jolly Leprechaun famous for uttering the catch phrase “Where’s me Lucky Charms?”. Oooh, well that explains it. Dude wasn’t crazy, he was just trying to be funny. And now I knew.
The second time it happened, the second time the infamous Leprechaun words were yelled (don’t ask me why people feel the need to yell) at me I was ready. This time I laughed knowingly. I was in the loop. I got it. However, the joke gets old very quickly and when you’ve been yelled at for the 500,078th time “Where’s me Lucky Charms?” it ceases to be funny. But I try not to be rude. Every new person who yells it truly believes that they are being completely original. That no one else has had the wit or wisdom to come up with such a funny Irish connection before now. So I laugh politely to avoid any hurt feelings but make a note to work on toning down the Irishness next time I’m introduced to someone. Just until we get over that initial bump and any urge they may have to yell cereal catch phrases my way.
Here is an image of the Leprechaun who is causing all the problems. This little guy really has some explaining to do.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
The Love-Hate Stuff
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Solace Sabotage
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Happy St. Patrick's Day
Anyway, here are a few snaps from our very "mature" St. Patrick's Day celebration.
Chief of Shamrock Police for the evenings festivities was of course my good self. There's me flashing my badge to prove it. Among my many duties was to maintain a very high level of craic and to make sure nobody's beer ever ran empty.

I don't know what Fanz was drinkin but it appears to have taken her head to a place far far away. A place of leprechauns and shillelaghs

This is Nikki and Cuppy. Nikki is Jamaican but this day she went all out flying the green of Ireland. Here we have her fabulous ear-rings.

Which also went well with her green shoes and high-end green and white Coach purse. "Dang Nikki, you went all Atlanta Housewives on us"

Monday, March 15, 2010
I know Me So Well
Oh the games we play. Luckily I know myself well enough to realize that all I'm doing in participating in a game of avoidance. If it was a yoga pose, I would call it "The Ostrich Pose" because of its head in the sand style reaction to any and all signs of challenge and danger. So with this valuable insight into all things "me", I'm able to push on and force the tantrum throwing kid inside me to sit her ass down and get focused. Its not easy I can tell you, I'm very stubborn when I want to be.
Last week I also forgot to write a fair-well to Peter and Michaela. Peter is a 1500m runner from South African and he and his adorable wife had been staying with us for the past 6 weeks and when I tell you they were the perfect house guests, I am not lying. Every day I came home from work they had a hot meal waiting for me. They baby-sat Dexter (which believe me is a serious challenge I would hesitate to wish on anyone) and Fintan when we needed to duck out of town and they scoured the forrest for firewood when the snowy evening was upon us. They were just a big fat pleasure to have around and the house is not the same without them right now.
This photo was taken at the local supermarket. Why? Why not. We just happened to have a camera. In it we have Peter, Michaela (told you she was adorable), Myself & Cuppy (short for Cupcake)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Hell Ya I'm Fabulous

Sunday, March 7, 2010
Growing Like A Weed
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Bring On The Bouncy Castle
Monday, March 1, 2010
All My Children