Lets start with -
Starbucks Pumpkin Spice latte’s: Right before Thanksgiving my BFF at work, Jennifer turned me on to this seasonal favorite at Starbucks. While on paper this beverage may sound like a very bad idea, pumpkin and coffee, heeellll noo, I was open enough to give it a go and surprise surprise, was instantly hooked. The stuff was so yummy. This week we have our good friend Kim visiting us from Belgium and not long after she landed, knowing she is a Starbucks fan, I told her she would definitely have to test drive this latte. We went there a few nights ago where I confidently ordered for both of us. We collect our beverages from the not so friendly Starbucks employee and grabbed a seat. And cos I'm waaay too excited about Kim tasting this, I take a sip of my own just to makes sure its up to par. But upon first sip somethings not right. I take another to be sure I haven’t mis-tasted, but I haven’t. This Pumpkin Spice latte tastes more like a Celery Spice latte with a dash of pumpkin. Its awful. I’m gutted and I apologize to Kim. Effing Starbucks. You made both of us look foolish in front of our foreign guest. I hope your happy.
Turtlenecks: Nothing says classy and sophisticated like a black turtleneck. And one day this week for some unknown reason I woke up feeling very classy and sophisticated. So deciding what to wear to the office was a complete no-bainer. However, as the day progressed and things got busier and the outside temperature increased, as did my own body temperature, due to repeated consumption of hot beverages, my classy black turtleneck began to strangle me. Tighter and tighter it felt like it was getting. I tugged at it repeatedly in an effort to get some relief. I had my co-worker on “face watch” least I start to turn blue. At one point I almost grabbed a pair of scissors and turned my turtle into a deep V-neck sweater, it was that bad.
Office Christmas Party: This week we also had our Office Christmas Party and honestly, it was the most fun I’ve had in a long time. The down side to having such an amazing Christmas Party? The mother of all hangovers the following day.
Now I know my Dad reads my blog and in his eyes I am the most perfect little girl who can absolutely do no wrong, and he’s right, I am. But Dad, I ain’t gonna lie, I was wasted. Sorry!
But fear not, I belted out a very unique karaoke performance of the classic K.C. and The Sunshine Band’s “Get Down Tonight”, complete with Running-Man dance moves. Let your pride be restored dear Dad.

Shinks, just curious if while doing the running man dance, you were holding your shoes in hand, a la Las Vegas last year? Hope all is well in Georgia and my mom would like to request more updates on the little man (Fintanator) and how he's adjusting to Tuckaway and his new digs out there. Stuck in the Baltics.
No Jordy, this was a work event, so I remained classy (cough cough), shoes stayed on feet. But cos of your selfish move to the Baltics, Doyler had to come scoop myself and Mike after the event, he was not impressed.
Will work on a Fintan update, just for your mom, "Hi Ellen".
Shinks, nice piece, maybe a little slow to develop, but picks up nicely towards the end (unlike some other blogs I follow). Your spelling is fine; grammar will pass, however, taking credit for my celery spice latte coinage is damn right plagiarism.
Polish Poet: you sound like a bitter ex-blogger to me. Furthermore, those who got to sit by sipping on their fabulous white chocolate mocha's while the rest of us had to endure our celery-pumpkin combinations have absolutely zero rights to references relating to vegtables of any kind. Rude!
Karen, you're hilarious!!! Thanks for providing a few laughs while passing time in the airport! Much better than facebook stalking!!!
Rachel, am glad my suffering helped ease your travel boredom, Facebook is overrated : )
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