Wow have I been struggling through the week. That whirlwind trip to Europe kicked my butt. Who knew that 3 days of intense long haul flying, shopping, sightseeing and partying could leave a girl void of any motivation, energy or interest in doing anything but getting through the work day and eventually to her bed.
Coffee drinking became my new habit for the week. I forced myself to pound multiple cups of the stuff daily so I could give myself that false chemical energy necessary to do simple things like, oh I don't know, STAY AWAKE perhaps.
I also had plans on working through the photos from my last 2 shoots but just could not seem to get to them. Hopefully this weekend I'll complete at least one.
Until then, here is a sneak-peak of 2 year old Kyle from my shoot with the Havener Family. When I tell you this little fella kept me on my toes for our entire shoot, I am not kidding. He made me glad I still workout and have a decent level of fitness. Total energizer bunny and total cutie.

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