Yesterday was America's Independence Day and Shinks celebrated by being one of 50,000 people to run The Peachtree 10k. This is the biggest 10k in the US and its run every 4th of July here in Atlanta.
I'm not going to lie and say it was easy, it was tough. The heat was intense, even at 8am, which is when the race started but also I was running it hard, trying to better the time I ran in the same race 2 years previously. What can I say, I'm a competitor, always have been, I don't know how to do anything "just for fun". However, trying to navigate your way around thousands and thousands of people who are in fact there for the fun is seriously frustrating. And I did get a few "relax, its not that serious" comments as I hurdled small children, or "brushed" an elbow or 2 in my efforts to power forward and pick off the slower folks. Clearly these people did not know who they were dealing with, it was in fact "that serious", I was on a mission and had a target to achieve.
I did end up running over 2 minutes faster than my time from 2 years ago but couldn't helping wondering how much faster it could have been had I not been bobbing, weaving and hurdling the masses. But I guess faster is faster at the end of the day, so one should just zip up and be pleased
After the race my friend Mike and I hit a small restaurant for breakfast and a celebratory mimosa and beer. We dined al fresco so we could cheer and clap the rest of the Peachtree participants on towards the finish. Its still a tough race wether you walk, jog or haul ass so a little encouragement never hurts.

Wow, it's a long way from the 400m to the 10k! Congrats on the PB!
Who you tellin Cormac. Eezy peezy 400m. I don't know why I ever stopped ; )
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