Thursday, July 30, 2009
I'm Late, I'm Late
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
And The Answer Is.........
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Dear Husband
Monday, July 20, 2009
The Fintanator
Sunday, July 19, 2009
The Classy Couple
This week saw Husband’s return from a 10 day stint in Europe. Yipeee. Don’t get too excited for me though, it was just for the week. Yes, I had borrowed time. The world of track and field gave us 1 week of visiting rights before he must resume his post of “Track Agent” on the European circuit. So this weekend we decided to make the most of our last few days together.
Friday after work I announced to Husband that he was taking me to dinner. “Sweet”, he said, “we can go to Taco Mac”. For those of you who may not know, Taco Mac is a sports bar. A place of good wings, good beer, good craic and wall to wall tv’s showing all kinds of sporting event. Basically, a fun place. However, this particular evening I had gone all out in the feminine stacks. My hair was all did, my make-up was flawless and I had opted to wear an ultra fem skirt and boob enhancing top. Shoot, I even donned a fabulous pair of ghetto girl earrings. A wife was looking and feeling fabulous.
I stared at him for a second, I was searching for signs of “just kidding”, but nothing. “Seriously??” I said. “Look at me, I’m too pretty for Taco Mac tonight”. “But baby, the Red Sox are playing” was his response. Right there I knew there was no way we were doing the romantic thing. A wife knows better than to come between a Husband and his Red Sox.
I will say one thing about Husband before I move on to the rest of our weekend, Be-Prepared-For-Anything. And this particular night, anything = fight. Yes, Husband and I were close enough to overhear a very heated “debate” between a Braves fan (Atlanta’s baseball team) and a Yankees fan (New York’s baseball team). As a person from Boston and a Red Sox fan, Husband is bred to hate, HATE, HATE the Yankees so he was literally poised, ready to jump to the aid of the Braves fan if the situation required. I was instructed to “take the wife”, of the Yankees fan. Great, the one night I’m dressed all girlie, he needs me to fight. I give wife the once over. Yeah, I gots her, but I do need to remove my ghetto girl earring, I don’t need Yankee wife getting the edge purely as a result of ripping my ear-lopes off. Luckily, the evening never came to blows. Braves dude eventually left and honestly, I have to say, Husband seemed a little disappointed.
Today, we opted to play the part of a civilized couple going green. Yes, early this morning we took our bikes and decided to cycle our way to brunch. Here, photobook style is our morning.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Family Moments

Sunday, July 12, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
I Wanted To Blog
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Happy 4th of July
Yesterday was America's Independence Day and Shinks celebrated by being one of 50,000 people to run The Peachtree 10k. This is the biggest 10k in the US and its run every 4th of July here in Atlanta.
I'm not going to lie and say it was easy, it was tough. The heat was intense, even at 8am, which is when the race started but also I was running it hard, trying to better the time I ran in the same race 2 years previously. What can I say, I'm a competitor, always have been, I don't know how to do anything "just for fun". However, trying to navigate your way around thousands and thousands of people who are in fact there for the fun is seriously frustrating. And I did get a few "relax, its not that serious" comments as I hurdled small children, or "brushed" an elbow or 2 in my efforts to power forward and pick off the slower folks. Clearly these people did not know who they were dealing with, it was in fact "that serious", I was on a mission and had a target to achieve.
I did end up running over 2 minutes faster than my time from 2 years ago but couldn't helping wondering how much faster it could have been had I not been bobbing, weaving and hurdling the masses. But I guess faster is faster at the end of the day, so one should just zip up and be pleased
After the race my friend Mike and I hit a small restaurant for breakfast and a celebratory mimosa and beer. We dined al fresco so we could cheer and clap the rest of the Peachtree participants on towards the finish. Its still a tough race wether you walk, jog or haul ass so a little encouragement never hurts.

Friday, July 3, 2009
Bestfriends, Captured.