Many of us out there have change jars. You know, a big empty vessel of some sort where you can throw all you loose pennies and quarters? Well, I too have a change jar. It's an over sized, jumbo-tronic bottle, that use to be the proud holder of “Seagram’s. 100% American Style Whiskey”. Now before you start getting all judgmental and saying that that’s just typical of and Irish person to have a ridiculously animated size bottle of whiskey laying around her home, I would urge you to “STOP”. Stop right there people, cos this is NOT mine. No mams. This is Husband’s. I know, who’d a thunk it? He’s had the bottle forever. Long before I ever showed up and he swears he found it at an antique store somewhere. Sure ya did sweetie.
Anyway, for about a year now both Husband and I have been off-loading all our loose change into the whiskey jar. Its been accumulating steadily, turning our largely disrespected and forgotten change into totals of 200-300 dolla. Not bad. But about 4 months ago I had another idea. What if I did the same with my Dolla’bills? What if every time I had a dollar or 2 or 3, I put those aside too, just in a box somewhere? Let them accumulate in the same manner and once the box was to capacity, get a total. So I did. I spent the last few months not only unloading my change but also unloading all of my $1 bills.
What was the driving force behind this sudden obsession with hording funds? Was it the current state of our economy?? Was it fear that banks were on the verge of folding? That life’s necessities were about to reach black-market style prices and the only thing capable of keeping us afloat was our trusted whiskey bottle full of coins and our box full of dollars?? Hell no. No, the reason was my love affair with Mac and my desire to have one. Mac, as in the computer. For a long time now I’ve been hungry to make the switch from PC to Mac, but there was always something more pressing my money needed to be directed towards, so Mac and I had to wait, and wait, and wait some more. But finally the waiting was done. The whiskey jar and the box had come to fruition and produced not quite the total needed to make the purchase, but enough so that the remainder could be met with minimum damage to our current financial quality of life. Yippe. I know the technique is very child and piggybank’ish, but whatever, goal achieved, Mac purchased.
I will mention that the trip to the bank to cash in not just my coins, but my piles of $1 bills was nothing short of majorly embarrassing. I know the bank teller lady was thinking “stripper” as soon as I flashed my cash and I knew nothing I could say would change her opinion. So I was ready. Ready to own it, “Heellll yeah I can shake what my momma gave me and live off it, don’t hate.... shoot. You don’t even know the damage I can do to a pole”. Lucky for her she remained tight lipped about the situation, so my inner Bon Qui Qui was disarmed.
Anyway, the point is, now I have my Mac. And I got it as a result of my patient commitment to saving. At least that’s the story I’m sticking with ; )
Anyway, for about a year now both Husband and I have been off-loading all our loose change into the whiskey jar. Its been accumulating steadily, turning our largely disrespected and forgotten change into totals of 200-300 dolla. Not bad. But about 4 months ago I had another idea. What if I did the same with my Dolla’bills? What if every time I had a dollar or 2 or 3, I put those aside too, just in a box somewhere? Let them accumulate in the same manner and once the box was to capacity, get a total. So I did. I spent the last few months not only unloading my change but also unloading all of my $1 bills.
What was the driving force behind this sudden obsession with hording funds? Was it the current state of our economy?? Was it fear that banks were on the verge of folding? That life’s necessities were about to reach black-market style prices and the only thing capable of keeping us afloat was our trusted whiskey bottle full of coins and our box full of dollars?? Hell no. No, the reason was my love affair with Mac and my desire to have one. Mac, as in the computer. For a long time now I’ve been hungry to make the switch from PC to Mac, but there was always something more pressing my money needed to be directed towards, so Mac and I had to wait, and wait, and wait some more. But finally the waiting was done. The whiskey jar and the box had come to fruition and produced not quite the total needed to make the purchase, but enough so that the remainder could be met with minimum damage to our current financial quality of life. Yippe. I know the technique is very child and piggybank’ish, but whatever, goal achieved, Mac purchased.
I will mention that the trip to the bank to cash in not just my coins, but my piles of $1 bills was nothing short of majorly embarrassing. I know the bank teller lady was thinking “stripper” as soon as I flashed my cash and I knew nothing I could say would change her opinion. So I was ready. Ready to own it, “Heellll yeah I can shake what my momma gave me and live off it, don’t hate.... shoot. You don’t even know the damage I can do to a pole”. Lucky for her she remained tight lipped about the situation, so my inner Bon Qui Qui was disarmed.
Anyway, the point is, now I have my Mac. And I got it as a result of my patient commitment to saving. At least that’s the story I’m sticking with ; )
+ (Plus)

= (equals)

Hey congratz with the Mac!!! That´s a great idea... I might take you up on that - what do I really really want???
hehe I remember taking that stripper picture...
People you should have seen her rip of the clothes after that one - I just didn´t wanna take pictures of that! Bon Qui Qui works hard for the money!
Yes Grr, I remember. That was "bring a friend to work day" so I brought you, and you were sweet enough to snap a picture of me on the job. heiheihei
All I can say is that if you were still short a few dollars for a mac after a night, then the Mac Air or what ever they are called must cost about $3k!!!!
Hmmm so how much will it cost for the unpublished snaps!! Hmmmm..... Ha ha ha!!!!
I am still looking for the postcard by the way! Should find it tomorrow. Having a major clean up in the house! Need to sort out my office, to much rubbish in there now.
I also had a shoe box for all my shrapnel after a night out. When I first came back from Saudi I realised that I only needed my notes for 2 weeks at a time so they got lobbed into the box as well. When I moved into the house the gf made me count it up and buy stuff for the house with it all. There was over €1300!! So she got the couches she wanted!! (Well just over half!!)
Alan, "shrapnel", thats too funny. Mac is not cheap, I will say that, hopfully its gonna be worth it. I'm still trying to figure the whole thing out. My PC brain is being very stubborn and won't release the power without a fight.
My dear Karen.....HILARIOUS as usual!!!!!!! Congrats on the Mac, although I personally cannot stand them but there seem to be a lot of you Mac lovers out there so maybe it's just me....hmmmm????:-)
Hey Jackie, its been a while, how are ya?? Always nice to see you here on the blog, although I don't appreciate your negativity about Mac. Did you not see how hard I had to work for this sucker? He better be worth every last bootie shake. Hopefully I'll get to see this summer. Best of luck with the season.
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