Thursday, November 6, 2008

Disappearing Act

I know I have pulled a big fat Houdini the past week or so, and really, how could I? Especially with the huge and historical event that was Barack Obama's election as the 44th President of the United States. Obviously, I had no part to play in the outcome of this election, I had no vote. But that does not mean I wasn't glued to the process over the past year and especially in the weeks of early voting and election day itself. It has been quite surreal to bare witness to such a defining moment in US history. And weather you were a Barack supporter or not, there is no denying the powerful emotions and sense of hope and unity that was pouring out of our tv screens once it became clear who the next president was going to be. And even as a European, we do have a in-depth education on US history, the War of independence, the American Civil War, Martin Luther King and the Civil Right Movement; I can't for one second sit here and pretend to fully understand what this victory means to so many people, especially black people. All I know is what the history books tell me about their struggle and how they have continued to struggle and so for them, I am happy.

On a personal note, some big things have been happening in the world of Shinks. Some I can't blog about until a later date, and the other's I'm just too tired to blog about right now. But I did feel it necessary to finally put a new post up, just to let the world know I still exist.


Anonymous said...

Pregnant??? ;)

Shinks said...

Dang Vignir, you got babies on the brain. But absolutely, I am NOT with child.

Anonymous said...

Just checking :)
Guess no.2, You running for mayor in Dublin

Shinks said...

Hmmm, not me, but good guess. P.S I saw a picture of your wife recently, why is she so fat??? What did you do to her??? ;)

Anonymous said...

I´m NOT FAT...
I´m WITH CHILD... be nice both of you!

I told Vignir yesterday that he has to Stop using the F** word!