I’m finally back from Vegas. All burnt out and tired. But it was worth it. The weekend was a blast. I learned to play blackjack, sort of. Each time I played, I made sure to position myself next to Husband, who is a seasoned player of the “sport” and received constant coaching for about 98% of the cards I was dealt. As a result, I won $260. Not bad. I actually had a goal of leaving Vegas $10,000 richer than when I arrived. However I ended up missing by goal by a mere $9,740. But this allows me plenty of room for improvement next year.
As for Husband’s management party, well, it was something else. I haven’t danced, sang, laughed and drank so much in a long time. And a large part of the reason we all had such a good time, the band. The band, Radio Daze, was absolutely unbelievable. Along with their massive singing abilities, they yelled and swore at us, dragged defenseless females out onto the dance floor, leapt on top of tables and downed a round of shots with some of the agents and athletes, all without missing a beat of the music or a word of the song. They were so rock n’ roll and if I wasn’t already married, no doubt they would be the band to play at my wedding. They were the centrepiece of the night and absolutely the reason we all enjoyed ourselves so damn much.
Once again, for a little visual effect, I've added some photos. It just helps paint a picture of the evening that words cannot. Enjoy.

There is the band, Radio Daze.

The music draws the herd towards the dancefloor.

Now we're into it.

The music, the dancing was so intense, that shoes had to be removed to allow maximum busting of moves.

Note, Shinks minus her shoes. And for some reason resembling a cave women. Why does Fred Flinstone's wife come to mind when I look at myself here?? Hmmm.

Lead singer of the band, Paul, getting his shot mid song. God, he's so rock n roll.

He even dragged Husband up on stage for "Sweet Caroline".

The after-party, party at a Las Vegas bar. Husband is big pimpin'.
And if anyone wants to see what happens when you take a bunch of track & field agents, their partners and friends to Vegas, throw in a spot of gambling, plenty of booze, add in a high enegry song and give it a good shake, then click below.
Hi Sis
Giving me plenty of ammo to show baby the party animals Aunty Karen and Uncle Paul are. Loads of opportunity to embarrass, can't wait.
Embarrassed??? What are you talking about? I am the pride of our village. Baby is going to love me. I may even buy baby its first drink.........JOKE, stop stressing. Responsible will be my middle name.
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