But alas, I have moved on again and this weekend finds me in Slovakia. I’ve never been to Slovakia before so I was pretty excited about the trip and so far its nothing like I imagined. First of all it’s hot. Yes, as in tempeture wise. With sunshine. I really was not expecting that. For some reason I was picturing darkish, overcast, grey days, with depressed looking building and people, all wrapped up in long wooly overcoats and furry hats. For some reason it’s always winter when I think of places like Russia, Czech Republic, Slovakia and all those eastern European countries. Maybe I’ve watched too many World War 2 or communist movies. Anyway, it’s nothing like that. At least not the part I’m in. Think Sound of Music and you wouldn’t be too far off. Lots of mountains, lakes, trees, rivers, amazing old castles on top of hills and towns that look like their right out of the pages of a Renaissance book. So pretty.
Our hotel is amazing too, but in a very modern way. It looks a little out of place in this old fashioned town to be honest. Think Spanish villa on this one. But the rooms are huge and every room has a balcony that overlooks a pool and Jacuzzi area. Give you one guess what I’ll be doing after my race? Pool and Jacuzzi maybe? And all the balconies are connected. You can literally go out and take a stroll from balcony to balcony without having to scale high walls or building. What a great way for us to get to know those who will occupy the rooms and balconies next to us. Whoever designed this hotel was a very sociable creature.
So that’s a brief update of where I am and what I’ve been doing over the past few days. I’m looking forward to running Sunday. It appears the Slovak people are big into their track and field, which means a good crowd at the stadium.
first things first...that is a pretty hot profile pic you have up!
ok, i think i went to slovakia last year and it was the most horrid, run-down, piece of crap hotel ever. i am so mad that this is the same meet--or perhaps i have my countries mixed up. (which could very well be.)
Hey girl... so how did you do? I´m waiting for blog and times...
I´ve been to Slo ... and it was so awful I called home crying!
Enjoy Italy!!!
I thought you were going to go on a pacemaking tour?? And since when is there a 600m race?? Never heard of that before!! (Shows my lack of knowledge surely!!)
But second place, well done!!! Not sure how the time works for 600, but I would assume it looks quite good!!
1 Klocová Lucia 831120 SVK 1:26,96
2 Shinkins Karen 761015 IRL 1:27,42
3 Bird Tara 870722 GBR 1:27,51
4 Neacsu Mihaela 790503 ROM 1:29,76
5 Koreyvo Natalya 851114 BLR 1:30,10
Karperová Miriam 760104 SVK NF
Sorry link was missing the end of the document
Sorry it won't post the whole thing in one go!!
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