Congratulations to my big brother, Edward and his new wife, Sarah. They got married yesterday.

Also, Shinks met her match with the D.J. I have a bit of a reputation for dancing hard, and as long as the music is good, I will not be off the dance floor. I get so into it, that I’m usually gutted when the night is over and Mr. D.J is packing up to leave. But last night he just kept banging out the hits. It was getting close to 3am and there was no sign of him winding down. I was starting to panic. I told myself to dig deep, the next song is probably the last. But no, he kept them comin. F*#k sake, my legs were starting to ache. The shoes had been kicked off hours ago. But I was definitely reaching my breaking point. I finally had to throw in the towel. I wasn’t one bit happy. One of the first things I asked the brother when I woke up this morning was, “ did the D.J finish up long after I left last night?”. He said he played a few more songs then packed up. Damn it. I was so feckin close. But know this. I will remember this guy and if I see him again at another celebration, I am going to be ready. He will not get me a 2nd time. I fully intend to step up my training in order to be at the peak of my endurance for our re-match. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED MR. FECKIN D.J.
Enjoy some of the snaps.
1 comment:
hei i see you found an outfit ;) Very nice!
It looks like yall had fun at the wedding... funny picture of the hubby...
when will you be back home girl?
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